@charliebrownau @CSB A little less consumption a little more communication please. #SpellingMatters
My daughter’s gymnastics place has this in their front window #FensterFreitag #SpellingMatters
#fensterfreitag #spellingmatters
I'm just a girl
standing in front of a world
asking y'all to learn the difference
between cologne and colon
#spellingmatters #spellcheckwillnotsaveyou
Reading a book I’m quite enjoying then I come across “…revealing her mid-drift”. Seriously? Are there no longer editors? Proof readers? #Reading #Books #SpellingMatters #Bookstodon
#reading #books #spellingmatters #bookstodon
@newsviews #biographicalLies aside, he makes a way better #dragQueen than #Congressman. He should go back to his #dayJob? #nightJob?. #SpellingMatters less there also.
#doWhatYouLove #ownIt #GeorgeSantos #AnthonyDevolder
#biographicallies #dragqueen #congressman #dayjob #nightjob #spellingmatters #dowhatyoulove #ownit #georgesantos #anthonydevolder #nothingwrongwiththat
Always pay attention to spelling when selecting hashtags from a list. It’s easy to select a misspelled one, she said knowingly. #HashtagsAreYourFriend #spellingmatters #lifetips
#hashtagsareyourfriend #spellingmatters #lifetips
CALENDAR ends with AR, not ER.
It helps me to visualize an old-school calendar hanging on a wall, with a thumbtack in each A, holding it in place.
🤓When it comes to memorizing, grab hold of anything that works! #writing #spellingmatters
@SmudgeTheInsultCat I have to restrain myself from yelling at people for putting apostrophes in plural words.
Especially when I see it in a business profile or ad.
#SpellingMatters #CorrectGrammarMatters
#correctgrammarmatters #spellingmatters
Whoever decided to place the V and B right next to each other on the keyboard clearly didn't speak any #Spanish. 😔
#lumbrera #spellingmatters #spanish