Battle Unit, the party’s autognome barbarian, who named the company Shipping Unit LLC and the turtle-shaped spelljamming ship Turtle Unit, is not fond of the baseline autognome (NPC) that someone gifted a Headband of Intellect (to make it the ship’s boson).
Battle Unit has started calling the arrogant bot “Insufferable Unit” and the NPC is not happy that name stuck — especially since it was coined by the INT 9 Battle Unit.
Not me searching for an image for new episode day and completely mixing up our campaigns… 😆 It’s ok though cause y’all can join us at 10PM EST for some Spelljamming fun!!! #ttrpg #DnD #spelljammer #podcast #actualplay #rpg
#ttrpg #DnD #spelljammer #podcast #actualplay #rpg
@zorbtrauts @SJohnRoss If it’s even half as good as #Spelljammer’s giant space hamsters, I’m all in. 🐹
I'd love to play in a Spelljammer game that borrow some ship ideas from Skies of Arcadia. So sailing ships in space, but also metal ships like WWI/WWII type ships and things of that nature. Just a random thought.
@Knack Love it!
This reminds me of a #Spelljammer supplement that included a planet of vampires. I don't recall the supplement's name, but the planet's need for "new life" stands out.
#RPGaDay2023, Tag 19
"Favourite Published Adventure"
Immer diese Fragen nach Lieblingen ... langsam find ich das ermüdend. Wieso müssens immer Ranglisten sein? #Naufractus hab ich schon erwähnt. Als Kampagne auch #LegacyOfArriusLurco, beide für #CthulhuInvictus. Ansonsten hab ich noch kein #TrailOfCthulhu-Szenario gespielt, das schlecht war. Vom Setting her find ich weiterhin #LightOfXaryxis für #Spelljammer ziemlich cool, habs aber leider noch nicht gespielt.
#rpgaday2023 #naufractus #legacyofarriuslurco #cthulhuinvictus #TrailOfCthulhu #lightofxaryxis #spelljammer
#nowplaying Spelljammer - Abyssal Trip
Slow, noisy, fuzzy and just the right thing for a Friday!
Vinyl is very well-mastered (zero surface noise or crackle) and looks gorgeous under a bright light.
#vinyl #spelljammer #nowplaying
New #vinyl arrivals:
#Spelljammer - Abyssal Trip and Ancient Of Days
@synaptyx - Тунгуска (Tunguska)
Can't wait to give them a spin tonight!
Die Liste der #Spelljammer Romane im :pnpde_social: Bücherwurm ist komplett - jetzt müsste mal jemand neue schreiben, bitte 😎
Several #StarFrontiers races were used in #Spelljammer. What if we converted some of the other races? How about a #humma barbarian? #art
#starfrontiers #spelljammer #humma #art
Star Frontiers races were used in Spelljammer. I wanted to try recreating the Star Frontiers's cover as a Spelljamer cover. I not sold on the ship in the background. Might need flames or something to convey a crash better. #Spelljammer #StarFrontiers #art
#spelljammer #starfrontiers #art
DM of my last #Spelljammer game of #GenConOnline just made me roll a Religion check to fly the ship?!?
#RPGaDay2023, Tag 6
"Favourite game you never get to play"
Hmm. Damit ich etwas mein Lieblingsspiel nennen kann, müsste ichs ja auf jeden Fall schon mindestens einmal gespielt haben, oder? Dann fallen alle noch ungespielten Sachen aus meinem Regal schonmal raus. Naja, wobei ... #Spelljammer vielleicht? Zwar noch nicht gespielt, aber das neue 5E-Set komplett gelesen und danach tagelang Kopfkino gehabt. Oder abstrakter: eine coole Piraten-Fantasy-Kampagne. Hat sich leider noch nicht ergeben.
The best part of my wife forgetting her #AdventurersLeague character attended #Spelljammer Academy is that her character hasn't been on any other adventures since SJA, so it only took her halfling 10 rest days to forget where she went to school. Typical.
#AdventurersLeague #spelljammer
Our second #AdventurersLeague game today has a surprise #Spelljammer section and my wife completely forgot her character attended Spelljammer Academy. Fortunately, I'm here to remind her (and grab the rulebook from my home office, because we're playing at #GenConOnline).
#AdventurersLeague #spelljammer #GenConOnline
After a long stretch of no writing, today's bouldering session finally got my creativity flowing again!
@ConorMahood I'll be playing a #5e #spellJammer game on Monday. Perhaps I'll continue my #soloRPG game of #blackSwordHack.
#5e #spelljammer #soloRPG #blackswordhack
Nach langen Jagden und zahlreichen Rückschlägen ist es endlich so weit: Die Crew der Sine Nomine stellt den Rakshasa Rishkir! Seid dabei!
#dnd5e #pnpde #ttrpg #dungeonsanddragons #spelljammer
#dnd5e #pnpde #ttrpg #dungeonsanddragons #spelljammer
#FFGStarWars + #WEGStarWars
#soloRPG #FFGStarWars #wegstarwars #TalesFromTheLoop #onering #callofcthulhu #doctorwho #savageworlds #worldbuilding #homebrew #firefly #babylon5 #shadowrun #spelljammer #planescape #settings #inabilitytothinkupadventureideas
Heute Abend um 19 Uhr:
Die Crew der Sine Nomine hat endlich den Rakshasa Rishkir in dessen Palast gestellt. Es ist an der Zeit, ihn zu überwinden. Aber werden sie das schaffen? Seid live auf #twitch dabei und findet es heraus!
#dnd5e #pnpde #spelljammer #ttrpg
#twitch #dnd5e #pnpde #spelljammer #ttrpg