Der Dinkelsauerteig hat am Wochenende wieder spitzenmäßig performt. Brühstück aus altem Roggenbrötchen und Pita, dazu Dinkelvollkornmehl und die üblichen Verdächtigen: Salz, Malz, Rübensirup und Öl.
#leckeressen #lecker #essen #delicious #deliciousfood #food #backen #baking #bakingbread #bread #brotbacken #brot #vollkorn #vollkornbrot #wholegrain #wholegrains #wholegrainbread #spelt #shotonfairphone #speltbread #dinkel #dinkelbrot #küche #kitchen #kueche
#leckeressen #lecker #essen #delicious #deliciousfood #food #backen #baking #bakingbread #bread #brotbacken #brot #vollkorn #vollkornbrot #wholegrain #wholegrains #wholegrainbread #spelt #shotonfairphone #speltbread #dinkel #dinkelbrot #kuche #kitchen #kueche
Da heute die Schule wieder losgeht und die Kinder ja Schulbrot brauchen, habe ich gestern etwas größer gebacken. Ich nenne es den Back-to-School-Boulder.
Ist ein Dinkelsauerteigbrot mit 2/3 Dinkelvollkornmehl und 1/3 Ruchmehl; zwei alte Weizenbrötchen als Brühstück, dazu Salz, Öl, Malz und Rübensirup.
Richtig gut.
#leckeressen #shotonfairphone #deliciousfood #sauerteig #sauerteigbrot #dinkel #dinkelbrot #vollkorn #sourdough #sourdoughbread #wholegrain #spelt #speltbread
#leckeressen #shotonfairphone #deliciousfood #sauerteig #sauerteigbrot #dinkel #dinkelbrot #vollkorn #sourdough #sourdoughbread #wholegrain #spelt #speltbread
Homemade roll happiness. Good morning!
Selbstgemachtes, knuspriges Brötchenglück aus Dinkel. Guten Morgen!
#food # foodphotography #homemade #breakfast #spelt
#spelt #breakfast #homemade #food
Some guy 'corrected' me for using the word 'spelt', saying the past tense is 'spelled'.
So, um, what tense would 'spelt' be?
I am spelt words?
I will be spelt words?
I was having been spelt words?
Helaas hebben wij de laatste tijd geen spelt volkoren in onze toonbank liggen. Dit komt omdat de oogst van de spelt granen niet optimaal is geweest. Het vergt wat tijd en geduld om he recept aan te passen aan deze nieuwe oogst. Helaas is de spelt op het moment zo zwak dat het templates worden om te verkopen,In andere worden,te platte broden. Onze excuses voor dit ongemak, de bakkers werken er hard aan om de broden te maken met deze nieuwe oogst. Wij danken u voor uw begrip!
#straattaal #spelt
Today’s #sourdough experiment - making #tortillas with #MasaHarina and #spelt #leaven. Taste is great - love that hint of sourness from the leaven - but I need to work on my #tortillaskills technique. Any tips appreciated 😊
#sourdough #tortillas #masaharina #spelt #leaven #tortillaskills
Baking weekend: Today, fresh from the oven, #rye/#wheat #sourdough bread (left), yesterday #spelt (dinkel wheat) bread (right). All made from freshly ground whole grains, of course!
Which of these would you like the next thread to be about?
#NoTill #NoDig #RotationalGrazing #ChickenMobile #Spelt #Chickens
#NoTill #NoDig #rotationalgrazing #chickenmobile #spelt #chickens
@dutchcelt it’s delicious It’s spelt bread, but has a brioche feel to it. Very pleased with it. #bread #spelt #baking
Crumb shots of my multi-seeded (40g) sourdough (see recipe from previous posts) using a Colorado starter, 5% cracked Spelt wheat, 20% home milled Spelt flour, 5% Spelt flour (using a Mockmill 100), 60g olive oil, zest 1 lemon, dried Moroccan Flame petals, rosemary flowers & 700g very strong Canadian white flour. #sourdough #baking #spelt #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #lemon #colorado
#sourdough #baking #spelt #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #lemon #colorado
Just out of the oven - Multi-seeded (40g) sourdough (see recipe from previous posts) using a Colorado starter, 5% cracked Spelt wheat, 20% home milled Spelt flour, 5% Spelt flour (using a Mockmill 100), 60g olive oil, zest 1 lemon, dried Moroccan Flame petals, rosemary flowers & 700g very strong Canadian white flour. #sourdough #baking #spelt #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #lemon #colorado
#sourdough #baking #spelt #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #lemon #colorado
Today I followed the same long #fermentation recipe as last time. Unfortunately, my new bake isn't as asexy as the last loaf, which rose much higher. I did only a few things differently:
- I left out raisins; it's already tasty enough w/o them
- I forgot to prepare the scalded flour in the first evening. Thus I had to prepare it 30min before mixing the main dough. I don't think this made much of a difference, though
- I spent less time preparing the main dough. Last time I kneaded a bit during a Zoom meeting, before I put the dough into the fridge
- Last time, I probably incorporated more water while kneading. Today's dough felt a bit drier
- I accidentally used more sourdough starter AND more salt. It didn't really change much baking-wise, but today's bread has a stronger taste (which I liked!). Perhaps the additional salt compensated the additional sourdough starter in terms of the fermentation speed.
Overall, today's bread turned out quite delicious again! Regardless of that, maybe I will try out a different recipe next time. I still have my very own #FediBread #challenge (i.e. bake a tasty bread according to the results of the poll
#bread #veganBaking #sourdough #spelt #Dinkel #Vollkorn #wholeMeal @teamsauerteig
#fermentation #fedibread #challenge #bread #veganbaking #sourdough #spelt #dinkel #vollkorn #wholemeal
4 hour bulk fermentation @26°C, 1.5 hrs in bannetons @26°C and photo after 2hrs in the fridge @ 7°C (15hrs to go). Multi-seeded (40g) sourdough (see recipe from previous posts) using a Colorado starter, 5% cracked Spelt wheat, 20% home milled Spelt flour, 5% Spelt flour (using a Mockmill 100), 60g olive oil, zest 1 lemon, dried Moroccan Fire petals, rosemary flowers & 700g very strong Canadian white flour. #sourdough #baking #spelt #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #lemon #colorado
#sourdough #baking #spelt #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #lemon #colorado
The recipe below is for my next 2 sourdough loaves using a Colorado starter, 25% of home milled Spelt flour and 5% home milled cracked Spelt wheat plus rosemary flowers and Moroccan flame dried flowers. Use any sourdough starter and any of your preferred wholemeal flour to replace the flour I use. Do try my recipes, you won’t be disappointed! Find all of them @ #sourdoughrecipe
#sourdough #bread #breadposting #spelt #recipe #flour #milling #canadian #lemonzest #moroccanflame #rosemary
#sourdoughrecipe #sourdough #bread #breadposting #spelt #recipe #flour #milling #canadian #lemonzest #moroccanflame #rosemary
@sourdough2021 I made your seeded spelt sourdough recipe again, this time I upped the water content by another 10g (710g total) and used half the amount of lemon zest... I'm extremely pleased with the results! 😁
I've given one loaf away to a friend along with my home made mead.
#sourdough #bread #baking #mead #homebrew #spelt #rustic
#rustic #spelt #homebrew #mead #baking #bread #sourdough
Really pleased with the colour and texture of these loaves! Multi-seeded sourdough (see recipe from previous posts) using a Tartine starter, 5% cracked Emmer wheat, 25% home milled Emmer flour, 5% Spelt flour (using a Mockmill 100), 60g olive oil, zest 1 lemon, dried rose petals and 700g very strong Canadian white flour. #sourdough #baking #emmer #spelt #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #lemon #driedrosepetals
#sourdough #baking #emmer #spelt #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #lemon #driedrosepetals
Out of the oven - Multi-seeded sourdough (see recipe from previous posts) using a Tartine starter, 5% cracked Emmer wheat, 25% home milled Emmer flour, 5% Spelt flour (using a Mockmill 100), 60g olive oil, zest 1 lemon, dried rose petals and 700g very strong Canadian white flour. #sourdough #baking #emmer #spelt #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #lemon #driedrosepetals
#sourdough #baking #emmer #spelt #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #lemon #driedrosepetals
4 hour bulk fermentation @26°C, 1.5 hrs in bannetons @26°C and photo after 4 hrs in the fridge @ 7°C (14hrs to go). Multi-seeded sourdough (see recipe from previous posts) using a Tartine starter, 5% cracked Emmer wheat, 25% home milled Emmer flour, 5% Spelt flour (using a Mockmill 100), 60g olive oil, zest 1 lemon, dried rose petals and 700g very strong Canadian white flour. #sourdough #baking #emmer #spelt #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #lemon #driedrosepetals
#sourdough #baking #emmer #spelt #breadposting #bread #canada #mockmill #milling #lemon #driedrosepetals
The recipe below is for my next 2 sourdough loaves using a 3 year old Tartine starter, 25% of home milled Emmer flour and 5% home milled cracked Emmer wheat plus 5% home milled Spelt flour. Use any sourdough starter and any of your preferred wholemeal flour to replace the flour I use. Do try my recipes, you won’t be disappointed! Find all of them @ #sourdoughrecipe
#sourdough #bread #breadposting #emmer #recipe #flour #milling #canadian #lemonzest #sage #spelt #driedrosepetals
#sourdoughrecipe #sourdough #bread #breadposting #emmer #recipe #flour #milling #canadian #lemonzest #sage #spelt #driedrosepetals
So I wanted to make a very soft 100% spelt wholemeal sourdough bread. I achieved this by scalding 20% of the flour (which is quite a lot), and by also adding 20% (in baker's percentage) of spelt flakes. I also added some raisins, which made the bread a bit sweeter. The overall hydration of the bread was 82%, but the dough didn't feel that wet!
About 15% of the flour was in the sourdough (75% hydration) starter, which is quite a lot for long fermentation, but the dough developed nicely in the fridge. The bulk fermentation was from Monday noon until Monday night; then I shaped the dough and let it proof in the ceramic baking mould over night. Surprisingly, the bread had quite an oven spring; it even touched the lid of the baking mould.
I really loved the deep brown colour of the crust and the very soft, uniformly pored crumb with the spongy texture typical for high-hydration wholemeal bread. Much more than the raisins, however, I appreciated the added spelt flakes (which were of the kind Rotdinkel, I think, which has a distinctive nutty taste). Perhaps the bread would also have worked with olives or even with grated carrots.
#bread #raisins #veganBaking #sourdough #spelt #Dinkel @teamsauerteig
#bread #raisins #veganbaking #sourdough #spelt #dinkel