Kenneth Freeman · @Kencf618033
37 followers · 773 posts · Server


Yep. I only played when it hit $500M. $1B nowadays. Great entertainment value.

First, I’d retain an attorney...

#spendthemoney #powerball #lottery

Last updated 1 year ago

Mikal with a k · @Mikal
654 followers · 2355 posts · Server

Last thing, at least for now that I'd spend money on would be a housing land trust in the Bay Area for houseless people. This is more straightforward: buy up existing houses, especially those that can be divided into multiple units and buy up vacant property, especially if it can be used to build tiny-house style townhomes. The organization would be a nonprofit with a majority of formerly houseless people/current residents on the board. Residency would include a lifetime lease (free if you were broke), drug/alcohol/trauma/etc. counseling as needed, health insurance if they didn't have it, a community college scholarship (or GED tutoring), and whatever else someone needed to get off the street and build a life.

Because the land trust would own the properties and act as landlord, the nimbys couldn't say a single thing about who they leased to. (Seriously, fuck anti-housing nimbys.)

#powerball #spendthemoney

Last updated 1 year ago

Mikal with a k · @Mikal
654 followers · 2354 posts · Server

The other projects I can think of to on are bigger. First would be to find people who could find people who could find the right people to set up an organization dedicated to building search as a noncommercial online commons. I think this is desperately needed to make the internet work. Search is currently broken and getting worse. The incentives of search as a commercial enterprise, especially ad-driven one, and the needs of everyday users are deeply at odds. Once a team of the best theorists and engineers was assembled, I'd fund this project for ten years or so. If it couldn't get off the ground by then, well... RIP.

#spendthemoney #powerball

Last updated 1 year ago

Mikal with a k · @Mikal
654 followers · 2354 posts · Server

I have a few very specific ways I'd spend winnings. First, a bunch of friends who will otherwise never be able to afford it will get free houses.

I have a list of organizations whose work I appreciate and who seem to not be bloated charities. They'd get something like a fund that would pay them, say, $5 million/year for ten years, i.e. something allowing them to budget for long-term projects.

I'd also set up a fund that would allow me to be anonymous and direct checks to people with creative projects for whom $5K to $30K would make a massive difference. I'd have trusted scouts bringing me projects and then would send a long list every few weeks to the firm that was writing the checks. It would be like a mini-McArthur grant, but from an anonymous source. It would be fun to watch people get stoked about it. I'd have to be anonymous, though.

#spendthemoney #powerball

Last updated 1 year ago

Mikal with a k · @Mikal
654 followers · 2354 posts · Server

I usually buy a Powerball ticket when it gets this insanely high. I find it a fun thought experiment to think of how I'd spend it.

Reply with how you would hashtag. This could be fun!

#spendthemoney #powerball #lottery

Last updated 1 year ago