Giuseppe Bilotta · @giuseppebilotta
155 followers · 281 posts · Server

While I was away for , they delivered a couple of new workstations to the office, so today I spent some time setting one up, installing the OS, checking it matched the specs and testing the hardware. One thing I hadn't realized when we ordered this one is that in addition to the NVIDIA GPUs it would also give access to the integrated AMD‌ GPU. This is, I think, my first system where I have hardware from both vendors (although of very different class).


Last updated 1 year ago

Giuseppe Bilotta · @giuseppebilotta
150 followers · 271 posts · Server

And it's not even that I don't want to talk about it, I do! Not only there were some very interesting results presented that I would like to mention and possibly talk about (it'll only be a selection, sorry, I hope if other contributors see my posts they don't get offended for not being mentioned), but there are also some important news that involve me directly and which I'm thrilled about (even though they mean even less free time …)


Last updated 1 year ago

hätte nicht gedacht das ich mal so weit gehen würde: eine seinerzeit sündhaft teuere Kamera mit Backofenreiniger behandeln. Die Girocam, das meines Wissens erste vollautomatische 360 Grad Kamerasystem zur Erstellung virtueller Durchgänge hat ein Kunststoffgehäuse das sich an seiner Oberfläche zu einem klebrigen Schmier zersetzt. Backofenreiniger ist die Substanz mit der sich dieser Schmier Lösen und Abwischen lässt. Es bleibt spannend ob sie nachher noch funktioniert.

#girocam #spheric #kolor

Last updated 2 years ago

Beam Scotch · @beamscotch
87 followers · 196 posts · Server
Giuseppe Bilotta · @giuseppebilotta
117 followers · 76 posts · Server

For a more hands-on learning experience, the upcoming 16th International Workshop <> offers a fully dedicated to learning the basics of , from the theory to practical examples with a implementation.

#opensource #FreeSoftware #smoothedparticlehydrodynamics #TrainingDay #spheric

Last updated 2 years ago

Giuseppe Bilotta · @giuseppebilotta
117 followers · 76 posts · Server

There's a lot to learn, and a lot to research, on . The Global Seminars <> cover many interesting aspects of the method and its applications, and are an excellent way to whet your appetite and pique your interest.

#spheric #smoothedparticlehydrodynamics

Last updated 2 years ago

Giuseppe Bilotta · @giuseppebilotta
117 followers · 76 posts · Server

The community of researchers and industrial users of is represented by , an with the objective of fostering the development of the method and its adoption <>.
defined 5 for :
GC1: , and
GC4: Coupling to other models
GC5: Applicability to

#industry #adaptivity #BoundaryConditions #stability #consistency #convergence #sph #GrandChallenges #sig #ERCOFTAC #spheric #smoothedparticlehydrodynamics

Last updated 2 years ago