RT from Neal Phillips (@otimoneal)
Heru-em-Akhet / Heru-Rises - Crystal Palace Park 2017 #sphinxes #crystalpalacepark #kemet #greatexhibition #1851 #Egypt #parks #herurises #Photography #lifeisart #art #visualart #mirror #blackandwhite #restoration #ancientegypt #ancientkemet #trillnoir #yamnbananas #parklife
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/otimoneal/status/1651280940386205718
#sphinxes #crystalpalacepark #kemet #greatexhibition #egypt #parks #herurises #photography #lifeisart #Art #visualart #mirror #blackandwhite #restoration #ancientegypt #ancientkemet #trillnoir #yamnbananas #parklife
This is my #OriginalCharacter Lily Pratt, she's a 5,000+ year old #vampire. In my universe, vampires are created when someone dies totally forgotten and alone in the world. They do feed on blood, but they can only feed on the willing, or people who are evil. They become protectors and help people in need, but in the #paranormal circle, they have been subject to bigotry and seen as mosquitos, especially among the #sphinxes.
#OriginalCharacter #vampire #paranormal #sphinxes