South India has a range of hot drinks that are made from powdered spices - and they are delicious. And they usually go by the name Kappi (coffee), due mostly to their brown colour and "instant" nature.
Eg. Chukku/Sukku malli Kappi is made from dried ginger (lots), coriander seed, long pepper, black pepper, liquorice, tulsi and turmeric. It's sweetened with a little palm jaggery. Cumin seeds can be added. Very good for winter immunity and with coughs and colds. Some recipes vary, but always there is much ginger. Thus it is also good for digestion.
They are difficult to find in the shops here, but are quite easy to make your self. Just toast the coriander, cumin and peppers, and grind all to a powder. Use about 50g dried ginger to 15g coriander seeds, and 2 g each of everything else. Add jaggery to taste.
Mix 1-2 tspns with boiling water. Or simmer on stove. You can even add a tspn to your normal coffee for a gingery coffee sensation!
Also you can search on the internet for alternative recipes - you will find lots of spelling variations on the name.
#IndianFood #herbalTea #SpicedCoffee #vegetarian #HealthFromTheKitchen
#indianfood #herbaltea #spicedcoffee #vegetarian #healthfromthekitchen