Watching #horror #comedy #PiranhaDD
Already looks more promising than #Spiders3D which was by and large a snooze fest...😴
Some shockingly big names in this!
Streaming on #PlutoTV #free with ads
#horrormovie #movie #movies #Piranha3dd #Piranha #horrorcomedy
#horrorcomedy #piranha #piranha3dd #movies #movie #horrormovie #free #Plutotv #spiders3d #piranhadd #comedy #horror
Have never heard of it but after watching #TheSand at the recommendation of @Macabre_ish (#goodandterrible - I loved it!) this popped up as a #recommendation on #Amazon :
Checked the reviews on #IMDB and it has a smear of 3- and 7+ which implies it's my kinda crappy #horror flick! I'll report back!
#movie #horrormovie #horrormovies #horror #imdb #spiders3d #amazon #recommendation #goodandterrible #thesand