I got a rare treat tonight! I looked over and saw my elusive Chilobrachys sp. 'Electric Blue' out of its burrow. I snapped as many photos as I could without distrubing it too much and these are the four best.
#Tarantula #Tarantulas #TarantulasOfTheFediverse #ILikeTarantulasMoreThanPeople #Spider #Spiders #Invert #Inverts #SpidersOfTheFediverse #InvertsOfTheFediverse
#invertsofthefediverse #spidersofthefediverse #inverts #invert #spiders #spider #iliketarantulasmorethanpeople #tarantulasofthefediverse #tarantulas #tarantula
Bark Spider (I think of them as bodybuilder spiders as they look quite “muscly” and I imagine them showing off their muscles while they spin their webs! ) working on his/her web in the back garden. Spiders work so hard and I enjoy watching them OUTSIDE the house!
#spider #SpidersOfTheFediverse #southafrica #insects #barkspider
#spider #spidersofthefediverse #southafrica #insects #barkspider
Green orb spider, also known as cucumber green spider or how i like to call it: cactus butt spider 😄
Shot with Canon EOS 400D and reversed 18-55 mm lens.
#photography #macrophotography #macro #spider #spidersofthefediverse
#photography #macrophotography #macro #spider #spidersofthefediverse
Green orb spider, also known as cucumber green spider or how i like to call it: cactus butt spider 😄
Shot with Canon EOS 400D and reversed 18-55 mm lens.
#photography #macrophotography #macro #spider #spidersofthefediverse
#photography #macrophotography #macro #spider #spidersofthefediverse
A close view of a Heteropoda boiei (Lichen Huntsman) - surprisingly fast and beautiful.
#spiders #spidersofthefediverse #arachnids
I finally rehoused the black widow I've had in a 16 oz deli container into something more spacious. Hopefully she likes it!
#spider #spiders #SpidersOfTheFediverse #ILikeSpidersMoreThanPeople #blackwidow
#blackwidow #ILikeSpidersMoreThanPeople #spidersofthefediverse #spiders #spider