Mone · @emion
38 followers · 306 posts · Server

Zitate aus dem zweiten -Buch "Gefährliche Suche", die ich witzig fand:

"Das Haus sah so mies aus wie Jared sich fühlte." S. 17

"Jared verstand nicht, warum Simon und er so verschieden waren. Im Kino konnten eineiige Zwillinge immer so coole Sachen, zum Beispiel mit einem einzigen Blick die Gedanken des anderen lesen. Im wirklichen Leben lief es darauf hinaus, dass Zwillinge höchstens die gleiche Unterhosengröße hatten." S.20

#spiderwick #hollyblack #tonyditerlizzi

Last updated 1 year ago

Mone · @emion
38 followers · 304 posts · Server

Ich habe die -Chroniken von & begonnen. Wie mutig sind bitte diese Kinder!? Ich bin auf Seite 73 des ersten Bandes und hätte mir an deren Stelle schon zehnmal in die Hosen gemacht vor Angst :O
Die Bilder im Buch sind großartig ♡
Ich hab Spaß beim Lesen, befürchte aber, dass ich mit dem Büchern unfassbar schnell fertig sein werde, obwohl es acht sind.

#spiderwick #hollyblack #tonyditerlizzi

Last updated 1 year ago

1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 · @NeuKelte
36 followers · 2225 posts · Server

`In caused distress and mischief just for their own sake. They took on ominous forms to terrify people walking at night. Even a haystack could become a threatening apparition, coming alive in the night and frightening the traveler into an exhausting run or a useless fight against the invisible foe. Variant legends say that to encounter such an apparition indicated coming death.`
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `
RT @LittleMsWhinger

Hobgoblins. Similar to goblins in appearance, hobgoblins, or hobs as they are sometimes called, are a less malicious…

#scotland #Hobgoblins #celtic #mythology #folklore #spiderwick #hobgoblin

Last updated 2 years ago

1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 · @NeuKelte
36 followers · 2225 posts · Server

`In caused distress and mischief just for their own sake. They took on ominous forms to terrify people walking at night. Even a haystack could become a threatening apparition, coming alive in the night and frightening the traveler into an exhausting run or a useless fight against the invisible foe. Variant legends say that to encounter such an apparition indicated coming death.`
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of and `

Hobgoblins. Similar to goblins in appearance, hobgoblins, or hobs as they are sometimes called, are a less malicious and more mischievous type of faerie

#scotland #Hobgoblins #celtic #mythology #folklore #spiderwick #hobgoblin

Last updated 2 years ago

1. Neu-Kelte 💙💛🌻 · @NeuKelte
36 followers · 2225 posts · Server

: `In caused distress and mischief just for their own sake. They took on ominous forms to terrify people walking at night. Even a haystack could become a threatening apparition, coming alive in the night and frightening the traveler into


Hobgoblins. Similar to goblins in appearance, hobgoblins, or hobs as they are sometimes called, are a less malicious and more mischievous type of faerie

#FaustianFriday #scotland #Hobgoblins #spiderwick #hobgoblin

Last updated 2 years ago