I wonder if people understand what activism is on the #openweb any more?
You talk to people to explane why they are doing WRONG, and at the same time you push them as HARD as you can to change their wrong behaver.
This works best with the #fluffy #spiky debate as a core part of this process.
People who keep saying "why can't we all get along", and "wouldent it go better if we were nice to each other" and the PROBLEM blocking the activism from having the needed affect…
Travel Thirsty: Thai Food – SPIKY CONCH RED CURRY Aoywaan Bangkok Seafood Thailand https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1703417/travel-thirsty/
#Aoywaan #bangkok #clam #clams #conch #conchshell #curry #food #oyster #oysters #red #redcurry #seasnail #seafood #snail #spikeyconch #SPIKY #spikyconch #streetfood #thai #thaicurry #thaifood #thaistreetfood #thailand #thailandstreetfood #Thirsty #travel #TravelThirsty #TravelThirsty #Vlog #Vlogger #YouTube #YouTuber
#aoywaan #bangkok #clam #clams #conch #conchshell #curry #food #oyster #oysters #red #redcurry #seasnail #seafood #snail #spikeyconch #spiky #spikyconch #streetfood #thai #thaicurry #thaifood #thaistreetfood #thailand #thailandstreetfood #thirsty #travel #TravelThirsty #vlog #vlogger #youtube #youtuber
The closed source crew of both #fluffy (many progressive #NGO types) to the #spiky, the capitals dressed in #fashernesta cloth are flooding into our dispute subcultures we have built with and about this #ActivertyPub tech. Neath of these groups are aware of the mess they create is a positive view of what will be happening over the next month's.
Ideas to compost this mess?
#fluffy #ngo #spiky #fashernesta #activertypub
#Dogwalking miscellany
Madagascar palm, Pachypodium lameri
#photography #plants #urban #spiky #thorns #nature #ArtMatters #art #iphoneography #iphone14pro
#dogwalking #photography #plants #urban #spiky #thorns #nature #artmatters #art #iphoneography #iPhone14Pro
The camps may range from #fluffy peaceful gatherings to more #spiky disruptive and confrontational events, depending on the nature of the issue protested and the diversity of tactics of the activists involved. Some well-known examples of protest camps include #Occupy, #ClimateCamp
#fluffy #spiky #occupy #climatecamp
#XR is a protest movement, some people classify XR as a #spiky radical protest movement due to its tactics and goals, but others consider it more liberal because of its commitment to #fluffy nonviolence. Ultimately, the classification of XR as radical or liberal depends on individuals looking at the problem, it's a debate.
A brilliant thread on #Echo&The Bunnymen & the release of #Porcupine. Essential.
#80smusic #EightiesMusic #PostPunk #Erics #IanMcCulloch #Rock #Spiky
#spiky #rock #ianmcculloch #erics #postpunk #EightiesMusic #80smusic #porcupine #echo
#SeaUrchins are the purple punks in the #undersea worlds. #SeaCreatures
#SalishSea #MarineLife #UnderTheSea #ShawOceanDiscoveryCentre #SidneyBC #VictoriaBC #yyj #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #pacificnorthwest #Cascadia #BritishColumbia #Canada #Spiky
#seaurchins #undersea #seacreatures #SalishSea #marinelife #underthesea #shawoceandiscoverycentre #sidneybc #victoriabc #yyj #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #cascadia #britishcolumbia #canada #spiky
When Love Breaks Down.
Sibling image to 'Absence Makes The Heart Lose Weight (Yeah)'
Exposed for about a week in late summer.
I used a custom-made contact frame of 70 x 50 cm to hold everything in place for so long.
Even after a week, some leaves have let no UV light through.
Title from a Prefab Sprout song. https://youtu.be/fMYbD7kK7fI
#cyanotype #blueprint #leaves #HeartShape #WhenLoveBreaksDown #PrefabSprout #LongExposure #ContactPrint #AbsenceMakesTheHeartLoseWeight #Sunprint #Spiky
#cyanotype #blueprint #Leaves #heartshape #whenlovebreaksdown #prefabsprout #longexposure #contactprint #absencemakestheheartloseweight #sunprint #spiky
#Fluffy #Spiky debate is a term used to describe different approaches to activism and building a movement. The #fluffy approach is focused on working within #mainstreaming to make change, while the #spiky approach involves taking direct action to change/challenge the problems.The idea is that a diversity of tactics is necessary to build an effective movement and achieve social change.
Ever felt judging eyes on you for procrastinating instead of learning? #hedgehog #spiky #inspiration
#NLnet funded a silo with "formal consensuses" https://community.karrot.world/t/nlnet-funding-application-successful/785 that's nutty, and not in a good way. Who is using PUBLIC money to push these agendas? Hard to see this as anything but #fluffy #techcurn in the time of the #fediverse
The karrot.world guys running the project seam a nice, inoffensive lot... cant see anywhere a mention of the #fedivers or #activitypub in their text.
#spiky point no more #silos no more #techcurn compost the #geekproblem
#nlnet #fluffy #techcurn #fediverse #fedivers #activitypub #spiky #silos #geekproblem
There were strong radical direct action movements in the UK 20 years ago https://visionon.tv/w/u7uFNm4SU93qCQuvCPWU1a we can learn from these to protest in creative ways today. #fluff #spiky
Spies are everywhere in activism https://visionon.tv/w/quFv7RuikKVUZaMqqKovc7 it's normal, good to keep this in mind when doing #spiky actions.
When we talk about radical/progressive language issues people are full of #blocking and ignoring so the same issue is continually brought up but never mediated. This leads to a growth of bad will and the destruction of the social commons.
#fluff and #spiky are good, thinking is away in broad categories, so the #mainstreaming #fashernista rejection of this is #deathcult worshipping.
Get off, your knees.
#blocking #fluff #spiky #mainstreaming #fashernista #deathcult
Your family and friends created the #dotcons that are going to kill millions of us and make billions of us into refugees.
You can, and should help them to step away back to the #openweb to have a hope of change/challenge this #deathcult
#OMN is a good #spiky small step, the #Fediverse is good more #fluffy step.
#dotcons #openweb #deathcult #omn #spiky #fediverse #fluffy
@bob yep but need to look in the back of tuck as it's filled with much of the #fedivers infrastructure that's going to go over the cliff.
Actavisam is to sit down in front of the truck and refuse to move, while talking to the "press" about the issues #fluffy
Or pour sugar into the truck fual tank in the night #spiky
Standing and watching while shrugging shoulders is kinda #mainstreaming :)
#fedivers #fluffy #spiky #mainstreaming