#MapPromptMonday - Week 20 - Proportional Symbols. Decided to make a map of places using proportional symbols for population. That said, I wanted to also try and use the #spilhaus projection within #qgis. While it doesn't seem that data can be transformed into Spilhaus within QGIS, it can be used if it's already in that projection. I reprojected the data in #ArcGISPro and then made my map in QGIS. Like all maps I post online, it's made for fun and my entertainment only. 🙂
#mappromptmonday #spilhaus #qgis #arcgispro
In case the #Spilhaus #projection of the world hasn't been shared in the fediverse yet. #OneOcean
#spilhaus #projection #OneOcean
Atlas des migrations dans le monde.
Une magnifique et inédite cartographie de flux mondiaux pour illustrer la circulation de marins, navires, marchandises, par voie maritime. Réalisée pour l’occasion avec @neocarto #flowmap #monde #circulation #maritime #oceans #Spilhaus
#flowmap #monde #Circulation #maritime #oceans #spilhaus