Spill is Black and proud. And BLACK-OWNED. A brilliant social media experience. Highly recommended. Well done and congratulations to the Spill Mob and Phonz. 👍🏿 #Spill #SpillMob #AppStoreOnly #NotOnAndroidYet #Mastodon #BlackMastodon #SpillApp
#spillapp #BlackMastodon #Mastodon #notonandroidyet #appstoreonly #spillmob #spill
#Math #MathMadness #MathMenagerie #MathMania #MathMonday #PreBirthdayShenanigans #NoireSTEMinist #BlackTwitter #Spill #SpillMob #BlackTwitter #BlackMastodon #BlackFediverse
Hezekiah bought 2 freeze cups and a blow pop for $1.75
Tyrone bought 1 freeze cup and 2 blow pops for $1.25
How much are freeze cups?
#blackfediverse #blackmastodon #spillmob #spill #blacktwitter #NoireSTEMinist #prebirthdayshenanigans #mathmonday #mathmania #mathmenagerie #mathmadness #math
#Math #MathMadness #MathMenagerie #MathMania #MathMonday #PreBirthdayShenanigans #NoireSTEMinist #BlackTwitter #Spill #SpillMob #BlackTwitter #BlackMastodon #BlackFediverse
Hezekiah bought 2 freeze cups and a blow pop for $1.75
Tyrone bought 1 freeze cup and 2 blow pops for $1.25
How much is a blow pop?
#blackfediverse #blackmastodon #spillmob #spill #blacktwitter #NoireSTEMinist #prebirthdayshenanigans #mathmonday #mathmania #mathmenagerie #mathmadness #math