continuing the 🧵 -- as a #SpindleEnthusiast it was hurting my heart to not feature a pile of spindles. So I have fetched a bowl that was floating around the house (what will we use this for? oh I know!), a bag full of spindles that were tucked away, a mid-project large weaving piece of mine, and have now decorated my "in frame zoom view" to include spindles. Ahh! ❤️ Much better!
#Spinning #DropSpindle #Weaving #AndeanBackstrap #FranquemontUniversity
#spindleenthusiast #spinning #dropspindle #weaving #AndeanBackstrap #FranquemontUniversity
Mistake in my image alt-txt -- Whoops! That's an Ashford traveler, not a traditional.
Btw, don't follow me for wheel advice, LOL.
#dropspindle #spinning #spindles #spindleenthusiast