The Lord, Satan and the Global Intelligence Community can use anybody for their will.
BTW as a #truther and former #TeaPartier I never voted for Trump and Voted for #biden
This #Independent voted Democrat for the first time.
The only first act for We The People to gain power is to eliminate the divide and conquer tactic of the Shadow Government/Establshment/Global Intelligence Community is to DEMAND an amendment to OUR constitution for banning all political parties.
#truther #teapartier #biden #independent #spinningwheels #reality
@karenshancock @smitty I'm enjoying my "new" castle. It's a Thumbelina from the 1980s, i think. But I am still partial to my Ashford traditional, too. #SpinningWheels
I hate to admit it, but, as a woman on social media, if a man with no common interests and no shared history follows me...I block him.
So if you don't mention #pug #pugs #knitting #crochet #spinning #HandSpinning #dogs #SpinningWheels #gardening #BackyardGardening #Chickens #BackyardChickens or even #ArchitecturalLighting #LightingDesign in your profile...or even some sort of craft.
If we've had even one conversation about stuff above or maybe #yarn, I feel less threatened.
#pug #pugs #knitting #crochet #spinning #handspinning #dogs #spinningwheels #gardening #backyardgardening #chickens #backyardchickens #architecturallighting #lightingdesign #yarn