After like 6-7 attempts, if not more :blobfoxlaughsweat:, I finally dropped the cloak from the Spire of the Watcher dungeon. Had to do some justice to my solar build uwu
Now to drop the exotic bow :blobfoxdetermined: :ablobfoxbongo:
#destiny2 #destiny2fashion #spireofthewatcher
This boss sucks so hard to solo. I'm set up to do it perfectly and it's going to take me 8+ damage phases. Clearly I'm doing something wrong. #Destiny2 #SpireOfTheWatcher
Finally got the cowboy hat from #spireofthewatcher in #destiny2. Now I just need the chest piece. #heartshadow is still alluding me in #duality though.
#spireofthewatcher #destiny2 #heartshadow #duality
My second run through #SpireOfTheWatcher and I'm already CARRYING the LFG group...
First #SpireOfTheWatcher clear and the final boss drops THIS for me.
After a few trials and a smidge of Tribulation, I was able to get to the first encounter of #SpireOfTheWatcher solo. Here comes the easy part 🙃
Solo Flawless Spire of the Watcher LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO!!!
#destiny2 #spireofthewatcher #gaming
Another night, another solo flawless attempt at #spireofthewatcher until I accomplish my goal, or I have to go to sleep
Could not solo flawless #spireofthewatcher tonight. Tomorrow's another day.
#spireofthewatcher #destiny2 #gaming
Soon, solo flawless...soon
Solo'd. Finally. It was infuriating
Post #spireofthewatcher shenanigans. carrying, well, each other 😅
Last night I completed the new dungeon. Went in quite blind and only resorted to one "Internet help." Really pleased and proud of figuring it out for once rather than needing a Sherpa or reading a guide.
If anyone here wants to fireteam up sometime, I'd give it a go.
#destiny2 #spireofthewatcher #dungeon
Just did my first run through of Spire of the Watcher, the new dungeon in Destiny 2, with a couple of clan mates, and got lucky and got the exotic weapon to drop on my first run!
Do you play Destiny 2?
#Games #Gamer #Gaming #Destiny2 #Bungie #SpireOfTheWatcher #Dungeon
#games #gamer #gaming #Destiny2 #bungie #spireofthewatcher #dungeon