#Spiri and #Oppy fell asleep in this very compromising position yesterday. #DogsOfMastodon
veröffentlichte die #Militärausgaben relevanter Staaten: #USA (Statista)
#Russland (Statista):
Und wenn du es genau wissen möchtest, habe ich schon die offizielle Excelliste:
#russland #usa #militarausgaben #spiri
My two 25 pound gladiators had an epic fight today. My sweet girl Oppy won, as usual. I think she was afraid she went too far because when Spiri lay down in defeat she went right to his nose and nuzzled him sweetly. :blobfoxcute: #Spiri #Oppy #DogsOfMastodon
It's tough being a short haired dog on a chilly, rainy day. Thank goodness for warm clothes, a big bed and an extra-floofy friend. #DogsOfMastodon #Spiri #Oppy
Starting to think it was a mistake letting #Spiri on the bed. I don't think he's going to leave. #DogsOfMastodon
Good night from the inexplicably comfortable #Spiri and his vicious teefies. #DogsOfMastodon
OK #DogsOfMastodon owners, how do I get my dog to play with toys???
#Spiri only really likes one game: we go outside, I chase him around, and he tries to jump up and nibble on my hand. While he's very good about not actually biting, the combination of gravity and teeth means he still gets me sometimes.
If I replace the hand with a toy -- like a flirt pole, or a rope, or a stuffed animal -- he ignores me.
He also would love to play with #Oppy, but she's basically a potato.
Every night #Spiri whines until I get in the couch with him for some snugs. #DogsOfMastodon
What kind of dog is this???
Time for #Spiri to get his first shabbos nap in. I don't understand how this position works at all. #DogsOfMastodon
Oh I-I-I-I-I-I-
Wanna boop your snoot
#spiri #dogsofmastodon #thesamepicture