I've played Spirit Island five times so far this month! A thread with some thoughts:
I integrated Nature Incarnate into my existing Folded Space insert, but not without lid lift on both base game and Jagged Earth boxes. But hey, everything for Spirit Island in two boxes!
Towering Roots of the Jungle felt underwhelming. It can prevent blight, but also prevents anything from being damaged where your Incarna is. It didn't help I had to focus on defending... (1/4)
Another game of #SpiritIsland playing two-handed solo. As you can tell from the large clumps of invaders, it did not go well. I’m still trying to figure it out but it’s an amazing game.
#boardgames #soloboardgaming
#spiritisland #boardgames #soloboardgaming
Played my 100th game of #SpiritIsland We played vs England 6 with Breath of Darkness Down your Spine, Shifting Memory of Ages (Mentor), and Serpent Beneath the Island (Locus). Highest difficulty we've played against and we absolutely destroyed them. Extremely satisfying!
@rockymountainnavy Nice review. This game was “full shutup and take my money”. Sadly (for me) it feels like an abstract game stapled on the Scythe Universe. I played it a few times, the week my Ironclad version arrived, and then I haven’t taken it back out. Your review gave me reason to pull it back out. Once, I finally get board of #SpiritIsland that is.
I've never seen this before: Spirit Island victory via complete eradication of the invaders. Had some very auspicious events and fear cards that snowballed in our favor. Playing against Sweden Level 1, so naturally will be ramping up difficulty, but was still surprised by this. #boardgame #boardgames #tabletopgames #coop #spiritisland
#Boardgame #boardgames #tabletopgames #coop #spiritisland
New board game from tonight:
Spirit Island - I've heard great things about this and I'm glad I got to try it for myself. Defend the island from colonizers by causing fear and destroying their towns. It took a couple rounds to get into the rhythm of the game, but we did manage to win despite our rather low communication. I liked it very much!
(Also someone bumped the table while walking past and almost messed everything up 😱 )
#boardgames #gaming #spiritisland
The new #SpiritIsland spirits in Nature Incarnate are really fun.
My favorites so far, having played 1-2 games with most of them at difficulty 7-8, are Wounded Waters Bleeding and Breath of Darkness Down Your Spine. Great themes, fantastic mechanics, everything just comes together so well. It really feels like the designers have learned a ton about what makes spirits work over the years.
Played the new expansion for #SpiritIsland today. My partner picked the guardian dog and I chose the sun. Both were hella fun. Her defense + my offense just roflstomped the invaders, but also these were "exactly what it says on the tin" spirits. They worked exactly how it felt like they should. I love when setting and mechanics match up.
🎶 Here comes the sun, motherfuckers...🎶
Looking for my holy grail #LocationBasedGame!
Until I find it, playing #SpiritIsland and other #ThinkyGames
#LocationBasedGame #spiritisland #thinkygames
This one came down to the wire! River Surges in Sunlight (Travel) and Fractured Days Split the Sky managed to drive France off of #SpiritIsland on the final turn.
Got some stuff for Spirit Island in the mail today! Looking forward to exploring all of the new content.
(I'll give more details in the replies)
1. #Mastodon and the #Fediverse
2. Phoenix #LiveView
3. #BulletJournal
4. #Telekasten - a #zettelkasten plugin for #neovim
5. The album "Spiderman of the Rings" by #DanDeacon
6. #HealthyGamerGG
7. #Gyro aim with #FlickStick on my #SteamDeck
8. #RiskOfRain2
9. #SpiritIsland
10. #Digitakt
#10thingsilikerightnow #mastodon #fediverse #liveview #bulletjournal #telekasten #zettelkasten #neovim #dandeacon #healthygamergg #gyro #flickstick #SteamDeck #riskofrain2 #spiritisland #digitakt
Some recent #BoardGame plays:
A new couple started showing up at my FLGS. Introduced them to Ticket to Ride: Europe last Thursday. Brought along the trains from The Little Plastic Train Company, which are always a hit.
Last Saturday, we played #SpiritIsland. I think it might have been a bit much for them, but they got the hang of it by the end.
Yesterday, Architects of the West Kingdom hit the table. First time at 5, and it's still great, even with that many people!
#boardgame #spiritisland #boardgames #tabletop
Dr. Mary Flanagan, Cole Wehrle, and Jason Perez did a cultural analysis & critique of #SpiritIsland on Shelf Stories! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MO_wKdr0RoM
I'm honored for the attention, and found their discussion insightful, interesting, and useful.
(Despite the title of the video, it's not all about Spirit Island: there's a bunch of great discussion and information about colonialism in #BoardGames and #BoardGameDesign more broadly!)
Also available as a podcast ep: https://soundcloud.com/onestopcoopshop/387-spirit-island-cultural-analysis
#spiritisland #boardgames #boardgamedesign
Nice. Quasi ein paralleler Furchtsieg UND Siegbedingung für Furchtstufe III mit einer Aktion erfüllt. 💪
#Brettspiele @brettspiele #SpiritIsland
Played a game of #SpiritIsland today! Handily beat England at level 4 with Grinning Trickster and Shifting Memory of Ages. Two major nukes: Cleansing Floods and Vigor of the Breaking Dawn.
I've been enjoying Trickster a lot. Plenty of powerful moves up their sleeve, strife is a very cool mechanic.
#Brettspiele|wochenende ist vorbei. Es waren viel zu wenige. 😅
Wir haben u.a. #SpiritIsland, Too Many Bones, The Loop, Tiny Epic Dungeons, Black Rose Wars und 5 Minute Dungeon gespielt.
#Brettspiele|wochenende ist vorbei. Es waren viel zu wenige. 😅
Wir haben u.a. #SpiritIsland, Too Many Bones, The Loop, Tiny Epic Dungeons und 5 Minute Dungeon gespielt.
Vapun kunniaksi vähän lautapelailua ystävän kanssa. Illan ohjelmaan kuuluivat #SpiritIsland, #Cartographers, #Codenames, #TaruSormustenHerrasta-lautapeli sekä iki-ihana #LordOfTheRingsTriviaGame. Kahta viimeistä ei ole pelattu ikuisuuksiin, joten oli hauska kaivaa ne esiin varastoista. Ehkä ne pääsevät taas jatkossa useamminkin pelattavaksi. #lautapelit #boardgames
#spiritisland #cartographers #codenames #tarusormustenherrasta #lordoftheringstriviagame #lautapelit #boardgames