2 new #NationalMonuments being established in #Nevada & #Texas & a #MarineSanctuary in U.S.💦 near Hawaii.
Nevada site, near border of #California & #Arizona, considered sacred to #NativeAmericans & spans > 500,000 acres, includes #SpiritMountain, home to #BighornSheep, #DesertTortoises & a large concentration of #JoshuaTrees, some of which are more than 900 years old. Thank you President Biden!
#Nature #WildLife #joshuatrees #deserttortoises #bighornsheep #spiritmountain #nativeamericans #Arizona #California #marinesanctuary #Texas #Nevada #nationalmonuments
2 new #NationalMonuments being established in #Nevada & #Texas & a #MarineSanctuary in U.S.💦 near Hawaii.
Nevada site, near border of #California & #Arizona, considered sacred to #NativeAmericans & spans > 500,000 acres, includes #SpiritMountain, home to #BighornSheep, #DesertTortoises & a large concentration of #JoshuaTrees, some of which are more than 900 years old. Thank you President Biden!
#Nature #WildLife #joshuatrees #deserttortoises #bighornsheep #spiritmountain #nativeamericans #Arizona #California #marinesanctuary #Texas #Nevada #nationalmonuments
This delicate ecosystem and land sacred to indigenous people is at the nexus of major population centers and could become a popular destination for education and tourism.
President Biden announces new National Monument near Nevada-California border
#AviKwaAme #SpiritMountain
#California #Nevada #NationalMonument #LandConservation #MohaveDesert
#avikwaame #spiritmountain #california #nevada #nationalmonument #landconservation #mohavedesert
Big #conservation news: Biden is readying to announce today that he will commit to putting hundreds of thousands of acres in southern #Nevada around Avi Kwa Ame, #SpiritMountain, off limits to development. When signed, it would be his biggest #NationalMonument yet. https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environmnet/2022/11/30/avi-kwa-ame-monument-nevada/
#conservation #nevada #spiritmountain #nationalmonument