"Abuse is NOT one of the gifts of the Spirit" by David Hayward (@nakedpastor).
#faith #spiritualabuse #mentalhealth
Found these in the pictures folder on my laptop.
Shannon Thomas' material, especially her book, helped me immensely in healing from the many years of familial, spiritual abuse.
Unfortunately, these graphics sum up all too well my relationship with the inlaws.
Book: https://www.amazon.ca/Healing-Hidden-Abuse-Recovery-Psychological/dp/0997829087
#mentalhealth #spiritualabuse #toxicrelationships
Found these in the pictures folder on my laptop.
Shannon Thomas' material, especially her book, helped me immensely in healing from the many years of familial, spiritual abuse.
Unfortunately, these graphics sum up all too well my relationship with the inlaws.
Book: https://www.amazon.ca/Healing-Hidden-Abuse-Recovery-Psychological/dp/0997829087
#mentalhealth #spiritualabuse #toxicrelationships
Even though I’m an atheist, this conduct is spiritual abuse and needs amplifying:
“It’s Not You, It’s God”
#christiandating #relationships #spiritualabuse
Welcome to tyranny. #spiritualabuse #ProLife #NoMoreLies 🕊️
#spiritualabuse #prolife #nomorelies
Here's my #introduction 👋
I was a corporate lawyer and hated being corporate. I taught legal writing and decided I liked doing better than teaching. I started a nonprofit thinking I could save my kid, but didn't realize I'm not a superhero.
Now I'm a lawyer, writer, and caregiver to my son with special needs and #raredisease. I wrote a book about medical trauma called, "Afraid of the Doctor," and I advocate in #trauma and #spiritualabuse spaces.
#introduction #raredisease #trauma #spiritualabuse #amwriting #nashville
Why Every #JehovahsWitness Congregation in Pennsylvania is Now Being Subpoenaed
#spiritualabuse #religiousabuse #csa #jehovahswitnesses #jehovahswitness
MacArthur's church, Grace Community Church, elders's reply to Shellnut's article will sound familiar to anyone who has been through #SpiritualAbuse. As someone who has both experienced spiritual abuse subsequently spent years ministering to those who have, I'm unsurprised the church mischaracterizes the reporting as anonymous lies. Sadly, churches caught in such things almost inevitably attack those who bring it to light. 2/
This is a religious war on our freedoms, and it is stubbornly opposed to equality. #Fact #SpiritualAbuse #ProLife #Lies #USA
#fact #spiritualabuse #prolife #lies #usa
When #spiritualabuse is mainstreamed, it shows up as #terrorism - #NeverForgetJanuary6th 🕯️
#spiritualabuse #terrorism #neverforgetjanuary6th
I wrote a column on Spiritual Abuse Awareness Month, "They Said I Was ‘Demon Possessed,’ But I Was a Victim of Spiritual Abuse" bit.ly/3XxzkaV
#spiritualabuse #cult #religion
#spiritualabuse #cult #Religion
Sacred Science: Trust, Suppression, Silencing Doubts, Isolation, Influence, Reinforcement
•Establishes authority
•Establishes goodness
•Establishes the one true way, which…
•…blocks a desire to seek answers outside the system
•Suppresses the ability to ask questions or express doubts about core principles
•Suppresses ability to criticize leadership
#Cults #Cult #IGotOut #Exmo #Exvangelical #ExJW #ReligiousTrauma #HealYourTrauma #SpiritualAbuse #MindControl #CultCounterconditioning
#cults #cult #iGotOut #exmo #exvangelical #exjw #religioustrauma #healyourtrauma #spiritualabuse #mindcontrol #cultcounterconditioning
Mind Control Technique #4:
Sacred Science (Closed System of Logic) - The ideology and leader have the one and only truth. Members should only seek answers in group teachings. Doctrinal logic is airtight. The leaders are above criticism and those who question or criticize are immoral.
#Cults #Cult #IGotOut #Exmo #Exvangelical #ExJW #ReligiousTrauma #HealYourTrauma #SpiritualAbuse #AbuseCulture #MindControl #CultCounterconditioning
#cults #cult #iGotOut #exmo #exvangelical #exjw #religioustrauma #healyourtrauma #spiritualabuse #abuseculture #mindcontrol #cultcounterconditioning
Deception: Suppression, Trust, Silence Doubts
•Hides negative effects
•Hides challenging "doctrines" which are actually just tighter control methods
•Hides negative history
•Hides atrocities committed by leader & members
•Obfuscates control; makes the member feel in control of her own choices
•Builds trust by not causing reasons for mistrust
#Cults #Cult #IGotOut #Exmo #Exvangelical #ExJW #ReligiousTrauma #HealYourTrauma #SpiritualAbuse #AbuseCulture #MindControl #CultCounterconditioning
#cults #cult #iGotOut #exmo #exvangelical #exjw #religioustrauma #healyourtrauma #spiritualabuse #abuseculture #mindcontrol #cultcounterconditioning
Deception: Suppression, Trust, Silence Doubts
●Hides negative effects
●Hides challenging "doctrines" which are actually just tighter control methods
●Hides negative history
●Hides atrocities committed by leader & members
●Obfuscates control; makes the member feel in control of her own choices
●Builds trust by not causing reasons for mistrust
#Cults #Cult #IGotOut #Exmo #Exvangelical #ExJW #ReligiousTrauma #HealYourTrauma #SpiritualAbuse #AbuseCulture #MindControl #CultCounterconditioning
#cults #cult #iGotOut #exmo #exvangelical #exjw #religioustrauma #healyourtrauma #spiritualabuse #abuseculture #mindcontrol #cultcounterconditioning
Mind Control Technique #3:
Deception - Lies, omissions, and "front" activities cover up flaws or unusual aspects of the group, doctrine, leadership, and history. Some truths will be revealed later when a member is "ready." Many persuasion techniques are only unethical if they're also deceptive.
#Cults #Cult #IGotOut #Exmo #Exvangelical #ExJW #ReligiousTrauma #HealYourTrauma #SpiritualAbuse #AbuseCulture #MindControl #CultCounterconditioning
#cults #cult #iGotOut #exmo #exvangelical #exjw #religioustrauma #healyourtrauma #spiritualabuse #abuseculture #mindcontrol #cultcounterconditioning
Destabilization: Suppression, Trust, Isolation, Perpetuation
•Establishes influence through emotion
•Suppresses the self, lowers defenses
•A reward is offered—"We will restabilize you"
•Builds trust
•Fills an ongoing need
•Isolates or targets those who are already isolated
•Creates dependency
•Preys on children
•Puts adults in a regressed, childlike mindset
#Cults #Cult #IGotOut #Exmo #Exvangelical #ExJW #ReligiousTrauma #SpiritualAbuse #AbuseCulture #MindControl #CultCounterconditioning
#cults #cult #iGotOut #exmo #exvangelical #exjw #religioustrauma #spiritualabuse #abuseculture #mindcontrol #cultcounterconditioning
Mind Control Technique #2:
Destabilizing the Self - Barriers are torn down that would otherwise prevent acceptance of new beliefs. Includes those who have already been destabilized by life situations and the indoctrination of children, who have not yet formed a sense of self.
#Cults #Cult #IGotOut #Exmo #Exvangelical #ExJW #ReligiousTrauma #SpiritualAbuse #AbuseCulture #MindControl #HealYourTrauma #CultCounterconditioning
#cults #cult #iGotOut #exmo #exvangelical #exjw #religioustrauma #spiritualabuse #abuseculture #mindcontrol #healyourtrauma #cultcounterconditioning
Destabilization: Suppression, Trust, Isolation, Perpetuation
•Establishes influence through emotion
•Suppresses the self, lowers defenses
•A reward is offered—"We will restabilize you"
•Builds trust
•Fills an ongoing need
•Isolates or targets those who are already isolated
•Creates dependency
•Preys on children
•Puts adults in a regressed, childlike mindset
#Cults #Cult #IGotOut #Exmo #Exvangelical #ExJW #ReligiousTrauma #SpiritualAbuse #AbuseCulture #MindControl #CultCounterconditioning
#cults #cult #iGotOut #exmo #exvangelical #exjw #religioustrauma #spiritualabuse #abuseculture #mindcontrol #cultcounterconditioning