Light of Hekate :verified420: · @hekate
77 followers · 31 posts · Server


"Think positive thoughts."
"We must get rid of our ego."
"Depression is low vibrational."

These lines, on top of many others, are used within these love and light communities. From fake psychologists within the sphere to people who just think that they're qualified to teach others, there are numerous people pushing these false ideologies, resulting in harmful perspectives and possibly even fatal outcomes.

From personal encounters, I've gathered that the people ingrained in these mindsets and the love and light communities are consistently engaging in something called Spiritual Bypassing. Not only are they going BACKWARDS in their healing journeys, they are promoting a toxic environment to those who do not fall in their guidelines of someone who is "love and light."

What is Spiritual Bypassing?
According to Robert Augustus Masters, PHD., in his book called Spiritual Bypassing: When Spirituality Disconnects Us from What Really Matters, it is "employing spiritual beliefs to avoid dealing in any significant depth with our pain and developmental needs [...] and then to name it, so that we might begin relating to rather than from it." (chapter 2, pg 9)

Now, before I continue, I'll say that we cannot judge and will not judge anyone else engaging in spiritual bypassing because we ALL have done it in our lives. If you're sitting there denying it, you're lying to yourself. Even I have done it. This post isn't to make fun of, bash, or purposely generalize anyone within the spiritual communities that practice and promote love and light. Instead, read this with an open mind so we can all learn to recognize the signs of spiritual bypassing. {1/3}

(If you have any questions, feel free to ask away.)


#mentalhealth #occult #spiritualbypassing #shadowwork #Pagan #witchcraft #loveandlight #spirituality #witch #witches

Last updated 2 years ago