Poetry News · @haikubot
786 followers · 8292 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

I caught a glimpse of The Idol's scenes
On Twitter wars and dodgy wines
So I sought a spiritual reset
At Glastonbury's Healing Field I met
Gurus and homeopaths all around
Chanting, gongs, and Celtic shaman sound


#glastonbury #healingfield #spiritualhealing #chanting #gongs #celticshamanism #poetry

Last updated 1 year ago

Feeling the love, @winstonz! ✌️😍 So honored to team up with you as the Daydreamer of the Supernatural. Let's cleanse those spirits together and spread peace! 🌟👻

#spiritualhealing #loveconquersfear #teamdaydream #crystalcleansing #goodvibesalways #bitbook

Last updated 1 year ago

meme that reads "Rhythm is a means of organizing sound into specific energy formulas to harmonize the mind and body. Chantiing, rhythmic breathing and drumming form an ancient technology for directly synchronizing the mind/body complex, creating conditions for psychological and physical healing."

#whenthedrummerswerewomen #layneredmond #spiritualhealing #healingrhythm #framedrum

Last updated 2 years ago

Happy Earth Day! Mother earth, the divine source of our sustenance, endlessly gives of herself to save us. Give thanks to her and pray that we can save her before it's too late, and then take action on your own behalf to live more sustainably. Show her you care and respect her so that she will sustain us farther into the future. ✌🏻 💜 🌎

#respecttheearth #earthday #earthday2023 #mediumsofmastodon #spiritualgrowth #lightworkers #spirituality #love #spiritualhealing #spiritualawakening

Last updated 2 years ago

Yes, here it comes again... starting today through May 14, in Taurus. Try, if you can, to avoid big decisions. Don't sign any contracts, plan any trips, and if you're traveling, double and triple check reservations, times, and all the logistics. Leave plenty of time in your travel for delays. Try to avoid contentious communication and arguments, double check all written communication. If you are or encounter stubbornness, realize that what you're going through now won't matter five years from now. It's all temporary. Try to go with the flow, let things roll off your back like water. Look at the sign of taurus for thing to focus on during this time.

You can make it a beautiful time when you remain grounded and realize the delays and setbacks are there for your benefit, to help you rethink and restrategize. ✌🏻 💜 ✨

#mediumship #mediumsofmastodon #spiritualgrowth #lightworkers #spirituality #love #spiritualhealing #spiritualawakening #astrology #mercuryretrograde #mercuryrx

Last updated 2 years ago

Your dark side is there to protect you. Use it constructively to power your intentions or protect you in sticky situations, but don't let it overpower your personality or your higher vibrations. It can be powerful fuel or a dangerous trap. Let it be fuel. Always give it the gratitude and respect it deserves. ✌🏻 💜 ✨ 👑

#protection #mediumship #mediumsofinstagram #spiritualgrowth #lightworkers #spirituality #love #spiritualhealing #spiritualawakening #shadowwork

Last updated 2 years ago

Always tell people how you feel or that they inspire you! Don't wait! Always take the chances your fear is telling you to avoid. Accept every opportunity to help someone see their own value. You won't regret it. The dead are constantly reminding me how much regret influences the afterlife experience. Do it now!

#mediumshipdevelopment #mediumship #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #spiritcommunication #ancestralknowledge #spirituality #ancestralwisdom #spiritualgangster #spiritualhealing #spiritualguidance #mediumshipreadings #spiritualawakening

Last updated 2 years ago

Child of the light, embrace yourself! You are more brilliant and dazzling than any star. You were made of light and divine love, and to that state you will return. Remember this when you doubt yourself. Love yourself in all your messiness, because you are always BECOMING! ✌🏻 💜 ✨ 👑

#mediumsofmastodon #spiritualgrowth #lightworkers #spirituality #love #spiritualhealing #spiritualawakening #selflove #selfcare #embraceyourself #selfempowerment

Last updated 2 years ago

Many practitioners in the world will tell you that you need crystals or stones to protect you. You don't. Protection comes from within. No external object, amulet, stone, or herb is going to protect you as well as your own confidence, sense of self-worth, your own inner light shining out into the world. When you are in a healed state, you are your own protection.

Crystals, herbs, and so on are meant to help us heal ourselves. Nothing of the earth should be used as a barrier *against* anything, because it is all made of light, water, and earth. It is meant to flow, to allow, to heal. A mindset of fear and the feeling that you need to protect yourself prevents all of that from happening.

I'll expand on all this in an upcoming blog post. Blessed day to you all! ✌🏻 💜 ✨

Image by Robert Strasser from Pixabay.

#protection #crystalhealing #crystals #mediumship #spiritualgrowth #spirituality #love #spiritualhealing #spiritualawakening #allowing #gowiththeflow #spiritualjourney

Last updated 2 years ago

Blessings of Imbolc to all who observe! ✨

Imbolc is also the day the Cailleach gathers her firewood for the rest of the winter. Legend has it that if she intends to make the winter last a good while longer, she will make sure the weather on Imbolc is bright and sunny, so she can gather plenty of firewood to keep herself warm in the coming months. As a result, people are generally relieved if it is a day of foul weather, as it means the Cailleach is asleep, she will soon run out of firewood, and therefore winter is almost over.


#mediumsofinstagram #spiritualgrowth #lightworkers #spirituality #love #spiritualhealing #spiritualawakening #imbolcblessings #imbolc #cailleach

Last updated 2 years ago

Blessings of Imbolc to all who observe! ✨

Imbolc is also the day the Cailleach gathers her firewood for the rest of the winter. Legend has it that if she intends to make the winter last a good while longer, she will make sure the weather on Imbolc is bright and sunny, so she can gather plenty of firewood to keep herself warm in the coming months. As a result, people are generally relieved if it is a day of foul weather, as it means the Cailleach is asleep, she will soon run out of firewood, and therefore winter is almost over.


#mediumsofinstagram #spiritualgrowth #lightworkers #spirituality #love #spiritualhealing #spiritualawakening #imbolcblessings #imbolc #cailleach

Last updated 2 years ago

Aevisia · @Aevisia
19 followers · 76 posts · Server pagan.plus

These memes are a little visually disturbing but also hilariously relatable for those who do . 😂 Thought you guys might appreciate these.

#shadowwork #spiritual #spirituality #healing #shadowintegration #trauma #witchcraft #witch #healer #spiritualhealing #innerwork

Last updated 2 years ago

If you let the Spirit of Christmas into your heart, you, too, will be softer and more beautiful! 🎄🌟 ❄

The Spirit of Christmas is love, forgiveness, charity, and generosity. It's not about gifts so much as caring for your fellow humans. And not just one day a year; all the time.

May each of you feel that spirit today, tomorrow, and all year through! Blessings of the season to you and yours!

#christmas #spiritualgrowth #lightworkers #spirituality #love #spiritualhealing

Last updated 2 years ago

Thomas · @derthomas
41 followers · 587 posts · Server metalhead.club

While Killing Spree blasts my ears off, it is time for a verdict on

I love where they are going with this one. A tiny bit slower, but more technical and complext. That's exactely what I love!
4/5 after one spin (which is actually great).


#metaljourney #deathlydeath #nowplaying #spiritualhealing

Last updated 2 years ago

Thomas · @derthomas
41 followers · 584 posts · Server metalhead.club

Is it possible to have a sweet spot for title tracks? Because I think I have 😂

Spiritual Healing on is fantastic!


#metaljourney #deathlydeath #nowplaying #spiritualhealing

Last updated 2 years ago

Thomas · @derthomas
41 followers · 584 posts · Server metalhead.club

Is it possible to have a sweet spot for title tracks? Because I think I have 😂

Spiritual Healing on is fantastic!


#metaljourney #deathlydeath #nowplaying #spiritualhealing

Last updated 2 years ago

Thomas · @derthomas
41 followers · 580 posts · Server metalhead.club

Who needs sleep if you can listen to ?

Next on the menu in my is 's third studio album from 1990, the year three time Olympic Champion Matthias Mayer was born (now you know).

The opener Living Monstrosity is already very promising!


#nowplaying #spiritualhealing #death #metaljourney #deathlydeath #deathmetal

Last updated 2 years ago

JM Longworth, OEF · @GreenMtFriar
486 followers · 324 posts · Server mastodon.lol

It's completely okay to renegotiate your boundaries with a community of practice, or even to leave and connect with a new one. It's entirely possible that neither of you have failed, but rather that your needs have changed and it's healthy to acknowledge that.

#spiritualhealing #emotionalwellness

Last updated 2 years ago