Milton Nascimento has the voice of an angel…Paul Simon is beyond incredible but Milton is bliss... Beautiful… #miltonnascimento #paulsimon #spiritvoices #spirit #prem #bliss
#miltonnascimento #paulsimon #spiritvoices #spirit #prem #bliss
Very interesting Article on Scalar waves, where by Eamonn Vann Harris talks about this and how it helps the #EVP contact
#evp #paranormal #scalarwaves #itc #spiritvoices
#EVP from session with Leslie Flint a 'Direct Voice Medium' I hear a pronouce 'David' being spoken in the audio below...
Take alisten and let me know what you all hear?
#evp #itc #paranormal #paranormalvoices #spiritvoices #afterliferesearch #leslieflint
Had my Sony B17 recorder back in the post, very pleased with it, I shall try to record the #EVP later.
#evp #paranormal #sonyb17recorder #spiritvoices
I record for the Big circle group using EVP to make contact, this is a EVP that came through while trying to contact Debbie Caruso (Deceased big circle member)
I hear "Big Circle" being spoke.
#evp #paranormal #spiritvoices #bigcirle