" #Designing #humility and #forgiveness #into #social #media #products "
Let's #perish this #selfinflicted #conditioning #throw away the #black #bags full of #resentment and #spite
#loops #feedback #negative #crush #spite #resentment #bags #black #throw #conditioning #selfinflicted #perish #products #media #social #into #forgiveness #humility #designing
In my world, a longstanding politically inactive one when it comes to admittance of the cause of environmental change, we now locally have to pay for using paper bags.
A spiteful political move considering the smoke from record wildfires have blanketed the continent for months, the true reasoning for this is to make it look inconvenient, messy, and costly to enact real change.
My political world is a subtly clever one.
#StitchedInkMedia #Canada #wildfires #ClimateChange #Politics #Clever #Spite
#stitchedinkmedia #canada #wildfires #climatechange #politics #clever #spite
From Tumblr:
#hope is a weapon hope is a skill
hope is a plant you can care for or kil
#hope is a discipline something you choose
hard to stop looking for easy to lose
hope isn't something to have or to take
if you can't find it it's something you make
make it from #willpower make it from #spite
learn how to weaponize #love in a fight
hope is a shield and a thing to defend
end in itself and a means to an end
From Tumblr:
#hope is a weapon hope is a skill
hope is a plant you can care for or kil
#hope is a discipline something you choose
hard to stop looking for easy to lose
hope isn't something to have or to take
if you can't find it it's something you make
make it from #willpower make it from #spite
learn how to weaponize #love in a fight
hope is a shield and a thing to defend
end in itself and a means to an end
AUGUST BURNS RED Announces Rescue & Restore Tour With BRAND OF SACRIFICE, SPITE & CRYSTAL LAKE #2023_08_01 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #tour_dates #august_burns_red #brand_of_sacrifice #crystal_lake #featured #spite
#2023_08_01 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #tour_dates #august_burns_red #brand_of_sacrifice #crystal_lake #featured #spite
SPITE Guitarist Leaves Band Shortly After Drummer Does The Same #2023_07_08 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #breakups_shakeups #spite
#2023_07_08 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #breakups_shakeups #spite
SPITE Drummer Quits The Band To Focus On DARKO #2023_06_24 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #breakups_shakeups #spite
>> https://metalinjection.net/news/breakups/spite-drummer-quits-the-band-to-focus-on-darko
#2023_06_24 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #breakups_shakeups #spite
Advice to councils, dealing with entitled homeowners who poison or ringbark trees, just because they’re “spoiling the view”: just erect a huge, ugly concrete slab in their place. #spite
10 Songs That Remind Us Why Deathcore F*cking Rules #2023_05_23 #metalsucks #em_shadows #br00tal_lists #bring_me_the_horizon #chelsea_grin #internal_bleeding #lorna_shore #ov_sulfur #spite
>> https://www.metalsucks.net/2023/05/23/10-songs-that-remind-us-why-deathcore-fcking-rules/
#2023_05_23 #metalsucks #em_shadows #br00tal_lists #bring_me_the_horizon #chelsea_grin #internal_bleeding #lorna_shore #ov_sulfur #spite
SPITE Robbed For A Second Time In Portland, Seeks Public's Help #2023_04_26 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #latest_news #spite
>> https://metalinjection.net/news/spite-robbed-for-a-second-time-in-portland-seeks-publics-help
#2023_04_26 #metal_injection #greg_kennelty #latest_news #spite
We find that #altruism and #spite can evolve even when the fitness costs to the actor *exceed* the consequences to the recipient, C > |B|. We’ve dubbed this “extraordinary self-sacrifice.”
The key to this result is that the actor’s and recipient’s neighbors are also affected by the social interaction downstream: extraordinary self-sacrifice can evolve when the actor’s neighbors are close kin and the recipient’s neighbors are not.
My paper with Wes Maciejewski on the Evolution of Extraordinary Self-Sacrifice is now featured in a special collection of articles on moral judgment and decision-making, so I thought it was a good time to share it here.
#SocialEvolution #cooperation #altruism #spite #KinSelection #InclusiveFitness #AnimalBehavior
#SocialEvolution #cooperation #altruism #spite #kinselection #InclusiveFitness #animalbehavior
Of course I don't want to drink Bud Light but if there's any chance it could lead to Kid Rock sobbing like a child I'll be a combatant in the culture wars.
Of course I don't want to drink Bud Light but if there's any chance it could lead to Kid Rock sobbing like a child I'll be a combatant in the culture wars.
Whistling in the dark
#Kitteh #Kitsmum #spite #intrigue #FridayVibes #FridayFeeling #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour #comics #NKVSSP #survive #whistlingInTheDark #curious #FridayReads #lucky #Protocol #alive #ninjacats #vibecheck
#kitteh #kitsmum #spite #intrigue #FridayVibes #fridayfeeling #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour #comics #nkvssp #survive #whistlinginthedark #curious #fridayreads #lucky #protocol #alive #ninjacats #vibecheck