His penchant for inventive gore, gallows humour and sexual deviance was particularly well served by #ReAnimator (1985) and #FromBeyond (1986).
#StuartGordon #BornOnThisDay #BOTD #OTD #HorrorMovies #SplatterMovies #Lovecraft #FromBeyond #ThePitAndThePendulum #RobotJox #Dagon #CastleFreak #Dolls
#reanimator #frombeyond #stuartgordon #bornonthisday #botd #otd #horrormovies #splattermovies #lovecraft #thepitandthependulum #robotjox #dagon #castlefreak #dolls
On June 18, 2002, Battle Royale was released on DVD in the Netherlands. Here’s an original drawing of Chiaki Kiriyama to mark the occasion!
#BattleRoyale #DystopianFilm #DystopianSciFi #JapaneseFilm #SplatterFilm #SplatterMovies #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #CultCinema #ForeignFilm #PenDrawing #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#battleroyale #dystopianfilm #DystopianSciFi #japanesefilm #splatterfilm #splattermovies #horrormovies #horrorart #cultcinema #foreignfilm #pendrawing #movieart #moviehistory
On March 22, 2001, Battle Royale was screened at the Cleveland International Film Festival. Here’s an original portrait of Masanobu Ando on a Post-It note to mark the occasion!
#BattleRoyale #DystopianFilm #DystopianSciFi #JapaneseFilm #SplatterFilm #SplatterMovies #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #CultCinema #ForeignFilm #PenDrawing #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#battleroyale #dystopianfilm #DystopianSciFi #japanesefilm #splatterfilm #splattermovies #horrormovies #horrorart #cultcinema #foreignfilm #pendrawing #movieart #moviehistory
On March 20, 2010, The Toxic Avenger was screened at Amsterdam Tromathon. Here's some original Toxie art to celebrate!
#TheToxicAvenger #Toxie #LloydKaufman #Troma #TromaEntertainment #CultMovies #SplatterMovies #CultMovies #MidnightMovies #MovieArt #MovieHistory #CultCinema
#thetoxicavenger #toxie #lloydkaufman #troma #tromaentertainment #cultmovies #splattermovies #midnightmovies #movieart #moviehistory #cultcinema
On January 4, 2001 Battle Royale debuted in Hong Kong. Here’s an original portrait of Takeshi Kitano on an Alpaca Post-It note to mark the occasion!
#BattleRoyale #DystopianFilm #DystopianSciFi #JapaneseFilm #SplatterFilm #SplatterMovies #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #CultCinema #ForeignFilm #PenDrawing #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#battleroyale #dystopianfilm #DystopianSciFi #japanesefilm #splatterfilm #splattermovies #horrormovies #horrorart #cultcinema #foreignfilm #pendrawing #movieart #moviehistory
Ich bin ein alternder Nerd auf der Suche nach einer neuen Heimat. Ich schaue mich noch um, aber grundsätzlich interessiere ich mich für das hier:
#horrorart #horrormovies #splattermovies #indiegames #sciencefiction #comedy #memes #programmerhumor
Ich hasse Faschisten, TERFs und generell alle, die anderen ihre Menschenrechte absprechen wollen.
#horrorart #horrormovies #splattermovies #indiegames #sciencefiction #comedy #memes #programmerhumor #neuhier #newhere #twittermigration
Mein bester Freund ist die Tage aus den Staaten zurückgekehrt und hat mir was zum Geburtstag mitgebracht 😀 #splattermovies #horrormovies #horror #splatter #straightedgekegger
#splattermovies #horrormovies #horror #splatter #straightedgekegger