We capitalize Internet—every time. But why?
When we write Internet, we’re referring to the globally connected network of networks that we all share.
But when we write internet (lower case), we mean something else. There are other networks that use the same technology.
They can act similar and look similar, but they don’t fully connect to the global, public Internet.
An internet isn’t the Internet.
Learn more about how the #Internet is splintering: https://www.internetsociety.org/blog/2022/03/what-is-the-splinternet-and-why-you-should-be-paying-attention/
#Splinternet refers to the way the internet is being splintered – broken up, divided, separated, locked down, boxed up, or otherwise segmented.
It took me a minute, but I finally put to paper all the things I've been ranting about in comments, puzzling over with friends and family (especially my Castlebridge family), and trying to articulate to clients regarding the DPC's recent decision in the Meta case.
There are no simple solutions regarding the DPC's decision. This decision, as well as related EDPB guidance, CJEU case law, and planned legislation, will continue to have profound ripple effects that go well beyond Meta or big tech, and I worry that many companies may decide in the intervening period of uncertainty and impossible competing legal regimes to simply stop engaging with the EU altogether, as some did when the GDPR took effect in 2018. I’m reminded of all the banners I continue to see on US news sites and online shops with something equivalent to 'Sorry, this content is unavailable in your country.’ Might we also see one day 'Sorry, Google is not available in your country?'
I don't have all the answers, and while I think the possibility of an immediate 'Splinternet' is low, I think it's important to at least have a fuller picture of how the choices that we make to absolutely protect some rights will likely have many unintended impacts on many others, and potentially on billions of people outside of the EU.
You can read everything on my new substack: https://careylening.substack.com/p/welcome-to-the-splinternet
#gdpr #legal #law #splinternet #Schrems #dataprotection #EU #privacyabsolutism #privacy
#gdpr #legal #law #splinternet #schrems #dataprotection #eu #privacyabsolutism #privacy
More Layer 9 issues pushing the edges of the #splinternet. While about porn, which is always contentious in the US, split legal policies continue to push the idea that not all of the Internet will be reachable, and users may be at the mercy of what island of it they live in for what they can get to.
Originally via @jeffjarvis
"For years, Russia’s internet had been relatively open for a country run by an authoritarian regime. There was surveillance, sure, but nothing on the scale of China’s Great Firewall. But since the poisoning of Navalny, and Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, a digital iron curtain has fallen in Russia. It’s getting harder for news from the West, much less of the war, to get through. Now, the Kremlin is accelerating plans to build its own walled-off “sovereign” internet, something Iran, Cambodia and Brazil are trying themselves. China is pushing for a new protocol to reshape how the net works altogether.
All this means that the internet – that great global connector invented by US researchers 40-odd years ago – is splintering. And if it frays enough, experts warn, it may be impossible to put back together again.
So, is there even one internet any more? How might it splinter? And what happens if it does?" #Splinternet #Internet #GreatFirewallOfChina #censorship #authoritarianism #China #Russia #WalledOffWeb #InternetFreedom #WebFreedom #tech #technology #explainer
Splinternet explainer: How do countries restrict web freedom? https://www.smh.com.au/technology/the-secret-service-agents-had-a-message-take-down-the-app-or-go-to-jail-how-is-the-internet-splintering-20230327-p5cvl2.html
#splinternet #internet #greatfirewallofchina #censorship #authoritarianism #china #russia #walledoffweb #internetfreedom #webfreedom #tech #technology #explainer
"The end of the American internet: India and China are now almost half of global mobile traffic"
#internet #splinternet #global
— Ben Evans, The New Gatekeepers, https://www.ben-evans.com/presentations
#global #splinternet #internet
Texas wants to join in the Internet censorship regime in the name of abortion.
More layer 9 impacting layer 7 #splinternet stuff.
The challenge we have is not everything really should be able to talk to everything in all circumstances. My thermostat might need to talk to the house controller and the cloud service it uses but nothing else.
The same arguments about TikTok really apply to the other “social media” sites. The primary difference being who the bogeyman at the other end of the service is - a government, or simply capitalists.
Layer 7 traffic being cut off at Layer 9 - politics.
I looked at my options on how to breach the #Splinternet since I am establishing that it already exists, and for a long time.
Currently, without some sort of universal alternative to bulletproof hosting (blocked as soon as the adversaries find out), or reliance on ISPs (blocked), VPNs (blocked mostly), Big Tech Monopolies like search engines (filtered and blocked), without some sort of alternative like #Briar because Tor/I2P is compromised, your best bet is emerging Web 3.0 technologies.
Des politiques malavisées dans le monde entier tuent lentement l'#internet ouvert par Andrew Sullivan, président de l'#ISOC
> #Splinternet est un mot pour désigner la perte de l'Internet unique, connecté à l'échelle mondiale et décentralisé. Notre expérience d'une ressource unique se fragmente en réseaux séparés contrôlés par des gouvernements ou des entreprises. Nous devons l'arrêter.
#gouvernanceinternet #splinternet #isoc #Internet
RT @internetsociety
"#Splinternet” is a word for the loss of the single, globally connected, and decentralized Internet. Our experience of a single resource is fragmenting into separate networks controlled by governments or corporations.
We need to stop it.
– @SullivanISOC via @FortuneMagazine
You are also not even viewing alternative viewpoints on the #internet #splinternet. Not since the beginning.
You want a shot at someone else’s opinion? Spin up a custom VPN on a bulletproof hosting provider on a foreign country where the AS range(s) are permitted in their home country.
Then you’ll find the truth. Or their perception of it at least.
Emerging #web3 technologies like #IPFS or #InterPlanetaryFileSystem may or may not provide a bridge to repairing the #Splinternet.
But since they require vetted IPFS Gateways, it’s more likely that it will (and has been used) continue to be a attack vector for #phishing attacks.
#web3 #ipfs #interplanetaryfilesystem #splinternet #phishing
Finocchiaro: occorre guardare alla dimensione globale dei #diritti a tutela della persona, che hanno a fondamento la #dignità della stessa. Dalla Rete libera siano passati allo #splinternet. La frammentazione dei diritti può portare alla non effettività dei rimedi.
#diritti #dignita #splinternet
@schratze relativ...
Rechne eher mit einem sozioökonomischen Zusammenbruch wie das ende des [west-]Römischen Reiches - nur global und massiver...
So in der Größenordnung von 90-99% der Bevölkerung aussterbend und ein technologischer Rückfall um mindestens 1.000 - 2.000 Jahre...
Und genauso wie der Zusammenbruch des röm. Reiches ist auch der Kapitalismus nicht vom einen auf den anderen Tag wegbrechend.
#Splinternet - Entwicklungen sind aber der Beginn vom Ende...
@ct_Magazin Ein Projekt das primär dazu dient, das #Splinternet voranzutreiben und #Zensursula's feuchte Träume umzusetzen...
#toldyaso #zensursula #splinternet
“The original free and open internet is being replaced by a series of bubbles. It’s getting more atomized. Smaller, localized networks are the future. The splinternet is here.” https://link.medium.com/74jpCScviwb
#splinternet #internet #web #nationalization
WEBCAST DEC 3 – #IGF2022 DC-CIV – Geopolitical Neutrality of the Global Internet #CoreInternetValues #InternetSanctions #dcciv @Olivier_CL @vgcerf @bassiegos @woodyatpch @NSC @VeronikaDatzer @apisanty #splinternet
On Thursday December 1 2022 at 06:30-08:00 UTC the Dynamic Coalition on Core Internet Values presents a roundtable discussion 'Geopolitical Neutrality of the Global Internet' at th
#post #coreinternetvalues #igf #igf2022 #splinternet #VintCerf
#IGF2022 #coreinternetvalues #internetsanctions #dcciv #splinternet #post #igf #vintcerf
Finalement, on est arrivé à l’ère de #Splinternet (Internet à plusieurs niveaux).
L’écosystème sera couvert par les Walled Gardens des #GAFAM et un Web ouvert divisé en différents domaines au milieu.
C'est une opportunité pour de nouveaux acteurs.
#splinternet #gafam #forumad #forumad2022