Beitrag zur Abschaffung des Ehegattensplittings , Chance zur Kindergrundsicherung ?

Was würden Afd Leute darunter verstehen ?


#Familien #geld #Armutverbieten #grundsicherung #kinder #splitting #ehegattesplitting #revolt

Last updated 1 year ago · @physorg_bot
455 followers · 11662 posts · Server
Simon Charbonneau · @AputikVideos
1 followers · 10 posts · Server
Shwee :_moonstars: Shadow Work · @Iamshwee
369 followers · 830 posts · Server

I'm exhausted. Because being me is fucking exhausting.

I can't even 'blame' it on my BPD or Depression or anything else anymore because I've grown and done enough shadow work now to know it's fucking ME that's the issue. I've lost every battle I've fought, my dreams have never come true, my hard work gets me nowhere, and my entire life up until this point has just felt like an entire failure..

I got love. True, Deep, Real, Passionate love and it is the one and the only thing in this life I am both grateful and proud to have. Lover is the better part of me. Lover is a hard worker, a dreamer, a person with a plan and an outline to get there. My Gods if I could just be even half the person he is..

I'm so terrified I'm going to live to 60 to just be like everyone else and feel a complete and total regret and shame of the life I never got to live.

So.. that's my and manic rant for the day. What I wouldn't do to not be me..

#bpd #splitting

Last updated 2 years ago

Rémi Eismann · @decompwlj
92 followers · 69 posts · Server
Baritone Goat Studio · @BaritoneGoat
32 followers · 45 posts · Server How to wire and a push/pull tone pot with This is featuring a active but will work the same when using North and South leads from a pickup to split coils. Full install video on my YT page

#install #coil #splitting #fishman #pickup #passive #guitar #tutorial #youtube #electronics #shorts #subcribe

Last updated 2 years ago

209 Zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen aus ganz Europa - darunter wir - fordern von EU-Handeskommissar Valdis Dombrovskis europäische Demokratie nicht durch das von Handelsabkommen zu untergraben!

#splitting #stopeumercosur #stopeumexico #stopeuchile

Last updated 2 years ago

Was sich die EU-Kommission alles so einfallen lässt, um demokratische Prozesse zu unterlaufen.... 🤬 "Zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen fordern: EU-Handelsabkommen dürfen demokratische Teilhaberechte nicht untergraben!"
"Wir Organisationen der Zivilgesellschaft lehnen das von Handelsabkommen vehement ab" Wer möchte noch mitzeichnen?

#splitting #gerechterwelthandel #demokratie

Last updated 2 years ago

Shrink4Men · @Shrink4Men
4 followers · 13 posts · Server

: "I'm sorry you feel that way" is / / for "F--k your feelings."

Typically, a , or doesn't feel remorse or regret for the hurt, pain and destruction they perpetrate on their victims. Their inability to take for their actions, lack of and a and tendency of , and make it virtually impossible.

The only time these individuals feel is when they feel sorry for themselves. For example, when they finally experience a consequence for their behavior. Or, they don't get whatever it is they've been lying, scheming, manipulating and bullying to obtain.

Saying "I'm sorry you feel that way" isn't an . It's an abdication of responsibility. Basically, the message is, "Your feelings are your problem, not mine." If the NPD/BPD/HPD smirks while saying it, they're most definitely not sorry. They gloating and delighting in having inflicted pain upon you.

*Please note, while I don't know it for a fact said "I'm sorry you feel that way" to , I just know that it's true (to paraphrase a running Bill Maher segment).

I chose one of 's many photos because her smirks are the smirkiest smirks. The arrogance, contempt and disdain oozes from the corners of her mouth. In addition to being a , and perpetrator of , she's now officially a . Apparently, she's hiding out in Europe claiming to be a homeless person. Her argument being, the Virginia court can't collect a judgment from her is she is stateless. In other words, DEADBEAT.

#narcissistdictionary #npd #bpd #hpd #narcissist #borderline #histrionic #responsibility #empathy #conscience #splitting #blackandwhitethinking #emotionalreasoning #sorry #antisocial #apology #amberheardisaliar #johnnydeppwon #amberheard #smirk #pathologicalliar #falseaccuser #domesticviolence #deadbeat #abusehasnogender #mentoo

Last updated 2 years ago

Going through a episode... Here's how i feel right now, on someone

#bpd #splitting #mastoart #art #queerart #mentalhealth

Last updated 3 years ago

Lexi · @MissLexisaurus
312 followers · 1154 posts · Server

What's it like to experience something/meet someone/like something but not be ALL IN immediately and obsess about it and have it consume you completely until the day you feel completely the opposite?
That must be nice. I want that.

#bpd #splitting #mentalillness

Last updated 6 years ago

@Om · @atomjack604
201 followers · 3597 posts · Server
@Om* · @atomjack
1255 followers · 13282 posts · Server
@Om* · @atomjack
1277 followers · 13323 posts · Server