#SpokenWordSaturday Margaritaville, by Jimmy Buffet. #today #audio #RockLyrics
#spokenwordsaturday #today #audio #rocklyrics
#SpokenWordSaturday #audio #RockLyrics The Trees, from the Hemispheres album, by Rush.
#spokenwordsaturday #audio #rocklyrics
Good Morning, Mastofolk!! Been up a while. Playing with the idea for a new series called #SpokenWordSaturday Dramatic recitals of #RockLyrics maybe with some ad lib and editorializing. I wonder how this will be received? In other news, My reader is stopping by for a quick visit. In still other news, A Facebook friend, who I haven't heard from irl, expressed interest in an evening with a party band called the Rusty Randoms, at an American Legion hall. Maybe I'll go? #today #JoinIn #GayMastodon #friends
#spokenwordsaturday #rocklyrics #today #joinin #gaymastodon #friends