(someone had at last to do a video in german, I was missing such by myself...) //cc @histodons
Nachdem (logischerweise) einige englischsprachige Videos zu dem Thema seit November aufgekommen sind, habe ich mich auch mal (auf deutsch) dem #Sponsianus -Rätsel angenommen:
"Ein Beweis für Kaiser Sponsianus???"
(31min.) neue Folge der #ChefVorlesung: https://youtu.be/ktNIKR40Ljc #Römer #romans #Archäologie #archaeology #Numismatik #romans #coins
#sponsianus #chefvorlesung #romer #Romans #archaologie #archaeology #Numismatik #coins
#Archaeology #Romans #coins @histodons
the lately "Sponsianus-coin(s) from Romania (now in Glasgow) gazetted as "true" instead of "fake" - might be still fakes. Guy de la Bedoyere does a very good examination in his both videos!
#archaeology #Romans #coins #sponsianus
Hmmm, it seems that the #RomanEmperor #Sponsianus that I told you about last week didn't exist, and his coins are 18th-century forgeries after all. The research that declared them genuine was sloppy, and proved nothing.
So scrap Sponsianus off of your list of Roman Emperors. Fake news.
Pity, it was a good story. And some 3rd-century Emperors *are* only known by their coins, so it was not inherently unbelievable.
Do we have a new Roman emperor #sponsian / #sponsianus?
As for the current debate, I am more concerned with the notion of 'authenticity'.
some thoughts, short thread here:
@antiquidons #antiquidon #antiquidons #histodon #histodons #ancientworld #classics #antiquity #numismatics #archaeology
#sponsian #sponsianus #antiquidon #antiquidons #histodon #histodons #ancientworld #classics #antiquity #numismatics #archaeology
Nadat je gisteren op Mastodon iets kon ontdekken over keizer #Sponsianus kan je dat vandaag dus ook in reguliere media https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2022/11/24/valse-romeinse-gouden-munten-echt-verklaard-onbekende-keizer/
@Fischblog spiegel.de über #Sponsianus und die Münze auf Deutsch Römisches Reich: Goldmünze liefert Hinweise auf mysteriösen Herrscher https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/sponsianus-goldmuenze-liefert-hinweise-auf-mysterioesen-herrscher-a-99af4981-e623-41ed-be84-93530c7b6c00
A newly-released study suggests that a small group of gold #coins long considered to be 18th-century fantasies may in fact belong to an otherwise unknown 3rd-century #Roman usurperr named #Sponsianus. Reaction is mixed. The open access paper can be found here: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0274285
Image below courtesy Wikimedia Commons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sponsianus_Aureus.PNG#globalusage
An analysis led by Prof Paul Pearson, of University College London, concludes that two #aurei, gold #coins, thought to be modern fakes, were truly #minted in ancient times, in the name of "Sponsian", and are confirmation that #Sponsianus was a ruler of some kind in #Roman #Dacia, middle 3rd century CE.
Link, The Guardian story:
Link to the analysis:
#dacia #roman #sponsianus #minted #coins #aurei
Een #Romeinse gouden munt met de afbeelding van de onbekende #keizer #Sponsianus blijkt echt te zijn. De in 1713 in Roemenië gevonden #aureus werd lang als nep beschouwd. Sponsianus heerste mogelijk tussen 240 en 250 AD over Romeins gebied in Oost-Europa.
#romeinse #keizer #sponsianus #aureus
Fascinerend wat moderne analysetechnieken kunnen vaststellen! Wel sneu als je als keizer, na je ontdekking, als “fake” wordt gediskwalificeerd.
Eeuwenoud muntstuk bewijst dat Romeinse 'nepkeizer' wel degelijk bestond https://www.nu.nl/wetenschap/6238073/eeuwenoud-muntstuk-bewijst-dat-romeinse-nepkeizer-wel-degelijk-bestond.html