#7AYW #Day3 #SponsorSession
Nicholas Draghetti (LAIFE @Reply_ITA) presents an approach to identify and solve a specific business critical problem in healthcare management, by means of mathematical modelling and heuristic algorithms (greedy algorithm vs ant-colony optimization). https://t.co/YN8YFG3yOV
#7AYW #Day3 #SponsorSession
Andrea Mosconi (Target @Reply_ITA) describes a problem in the context of ship certifications, to choose the best suitable surveyors for a set of ships using a genetic algorithm and open data for fleet scheduling and georeferentiation of ports/offices. https://t.co/PCKKY2YExK
#7AYW #Day2 #SponsorSession
@V_Morandi @unibs_official presents many problems (i.e., opportunities) arising in surveillance companies such as @multiprotexion, in the context of optimizing security for vehicles, telematics for vehicles, and security for buildings. https://t.co/D5o8R1VVTO
#7AYW #Day2 #SponsorSession
Caterina Tamburini @OptitSrl @optitsrl_en explains two different applications in district energy production management optimisation related to the unit committment problem, such as energy trading markets. https://t.co/QfTHVIe7Zd
#7AYW #Day2 #SponsorSession
Matteo Pozzi presents the mission and the several fields of applications of @OptitSrl @optitsrl_en https://t.co/0inhLJ7J8q