Jason Gaylord · @jasongaylord
15 followers · 42 posts · Server techhub.social
DevOpsDays London · @DevOpsDaysLondon
187 followers · 4 posts · Server hachyderm.io


Today is the day for several announcements about @DevOpsDaysLondon 2023 which is beign held on 2023-09-21 and 2023-09-22 at the QEII Centre.

Our is open: forms.gle/Peqb8sedduYEZDCM7

Tickets are on sale: ti.to/devopsdays-london/2023

We are also ready to start selling : devopsdays.org/events/2023-lon

More details at devopsdays.london/2023

#cfp #sponsorships #devops #devopsdays #DevOpsDaysLDN

Last updated 2 years ago

Poetry News · @haikubot
495 followers · 2758 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

It's college athletes taking the wheel
Who want to earn a financial deal
No longer need they be quite as meek
For now they can capitalize on their peak
Sponsorships that go with their fame
Bring both fortune and a certain amount of shame


#sponsorships #poetry #collegeathletes #sports #financialgain

Last updated 2 years ago

Aral Balkan · @aral
31315 followers · 21613 posts · Server mastodon.ar.al

@ChrisMayLA6 Couldn’t agree more. “Follow the money” also works as a very simple and effective methodology for understanding what corporations and other organisations actually do versus what they say they do.

#followthemoney #institutionalcorruption #siliconvalley #bigtech #corporatocracy #corporations #sponsorships #vc #capitalism #politics

Last updated 2 years ago

dev_d237 · @dev_d237
30 followers · 411 posts · Server infosec.exchange

@larthallor @joshsternberg @georgewherbert I don’t know if that’s feasible because are very “in” for the open-source consumer community. Even the perception that ads COULD be blocked will affect ad sales.

If the ever gets big, then creators will have to rely on viewer donations and merch, as well as . ad-serving and click-tracking will basically have to be scrapped completely.

#adblockers #fediverse #content #commercial #sponsorships #automated

Last updated 2 years ago

Julian Toedter · @jtoedter
4 followers · 94 posts · Server mastodon.social

Sports lead as .

As and endorsements bounce back, stars and agents need to understand the heavy responsibility they carry as platforms.

Bad will happen in from time to time, but the negative impact to fans will remain.


#athletes #influencers #sponsorships #deals #sportsbiz

Last updated 2 years ago


Our discord server is a place for / / / / / and many other types of (and their fans/supporters!) to share tips and resources, commiserate and complain (in our room 🙂​), find others to with, and to your content (as long as that's not the ONLY involvement you have with our community!)

The part of our name is because our community is focused especially on supporting so-called , those who don't abide by societal rules set by / / / / and are therefore -- , , , or otherwise / face to a degree that most creators never face!

Folks like / / , (not the ad-friendly "girl power" kind), ,
/ , , and education, + / , , , , and many other types of , and so on.

(Worry not--any nudity or erotic/adult content is limited to our 18+ rooms, which require age verification to access. You won't accidentally stumble onto anything that's likely to get you embarrassed on the bus!)

Please note you don't HAVE to be an "outcast creator" to join us, you just have to be respectful towards those who are, and expect to cross paths with them in our community.

Also please note that we are NOT a place that is welcoming to white nationalists, conspiracy theorists, TERFs, "debate bros" or otherwise toxic people who usually use the excuse of "free speech" to be hateful towards others. Respectful language is strictly enforced- no insults, no matter how subtle you think you're being, will be tolerated. Our community is, above all else, dedicated to being a (if ad-unfriendly) space that is here to support creators and their followers, NOT provide yet another platform for hate.

We're a new server, but staffed with volunteers who have experience with a variety of content creation, and we're very open to feedback to however we can improve our community!

If any/all of that sounds interesting to you and you'd like an invite, you can reply or DM me here, or PM me on Discord at .

I hope to see you there!

#outcastcreatorcollective #discord #contentcreator #influencer #livestream #artist #writer #creators #rant #collaborate #selfpromote #outcast #outcastcreators #thepatriarchy #capitalism #sponsorships #adfriendly #monetization #ostracized #banned #blocked #shadowbanned #censored #censorship #sexworker #erotic #adultentertainer #intersectionalfeminism #normalizenudity #progressive #leftist #sexualeducation #kink #fetish #lgbtq #queer #disability #houseless #racialequality #mentalhealth #activism #wholesome #ceridwen6967

Last updated 2 years ago