Leave It To Jerry Sanders... New journal post: https://albert71292.livejournal.com/1763091.html?utm_source=twsharing&utm_medium=social& #spoofs #audiocassettes #jamesstricklin #jerrysanders #digitization #leaveittobeaver #tapeandrecordshowenterprises #1980s #trse
#spoofs #audiocassettes #jamesstricklin #jerrysanders #digitization #leaveittobeaver #tapeandrecordshowenterprises #1980s #trse
Film Review: Blades of Glory
An utterly ridiculous over the top comedy that you can't help but laugh at.
#comedies #spoofs #sports #netflix #filmreview
Currently watching Superfast! which is a Fast and the Furious spoof / comedy. Seems like the perfect not-so-serious film to watch on #boxingday. We’re having a few good laughs out of it so far. The Vin Diesel look-a-like is too funny! #movies #spoofs #comedies #holidays
#holidays #comedies #spoofs #Movies #boxingday
International Domain Names pose interesting options for hacks and also spoofing: https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2022/12/14/idn-is-crazy/
#idn #idns #internationaldomainnames #domainnames #uri #uris #url #urls #danielstenberg #unicode #punycode #internationalisation #internationalization #i18n #hacks #hacking #spoofs #spoof #spoofing #hack #domainhack #domainhacks
#idn #idns #internationaldomainnames #domainnames #uri #uris #url #urls #danielstenberg #unicode #punycode #internationalisation #internationalization #i18n #hacks #hacking #spoofs #spoof #spoofing #hack #domainhack #domainhacks