아침부터 올리는 언젠가의 탐조... 저어새 번식지. 저어새들은 5월부터 초가을즈음까지 우리나라 서해 쪽으로 날아와 번식을 한다. 물론 자연적인 번식지는 이제 없으므로 인간이 초지를 조성해 주거나 섬을 만들어 준다. 거기 끼어서 갈매기들도 번식 및 휴식을 취한다. 때때로 인근 숲의 맹금들이 둥지를 노린다.
#새스토돈 #탐조토돈 #birding #birds #birdwatching #spoonbills #spoonbill #クロツラヘラサギ
#クロツラヘラサギ #spoonbill #spoonbills #birdwatching #birds #birding #탐조토돈 #새스토돈
Re-upping one of the best electronic albums in the last 5 years:
Spoonbill - Canopy
Great for working or while in transit, it’s mellow but engaging, hardly repetitive with enough structure to get you hooked. Plus anything that plays with strings and horns instantly piques my interest.
#spoonbill #electronic #albums #music
@Sheril The same lies here in #Germany. No windmills back in the 70ies, when I started with #birding as hobby. Three breeding pairs of #WhiteTailedEagle in the state of #SchleswigHolstein, where I lived. Now more than 120 pairs. The same with other large birds, #Osprey, #RedKite, #BlackKite, #Spoonbill, #WhiteStork, #GreyHeron well increasing. #GreatEgret and #LittleEgret as new breeding species. The same tendency in #Denmark. Lots of large windmills now, great birds increasing.
#germany #birding #WhiteTailedEagle #schleswigholstein #osprey #redkite #BlackKite #spoonbill #whitestork #greyheron #greategret #littleegret #denmark
Stick Delivery!
Spoonbill / Lepelaar / Platalea leucorodia
#Birds #Birdsofmastodon #stickstickstick #Cronesteyn #Spoonbill #BirdPhotography
#birds #birdsofmastodon #stickstickstick #cronesteyn #spoonbill #birdphotography
Sudden flashback to standing in the rain a couple of years ago photographing Spoonbills at RSPB St. Aidan's
Pretty wet and cold but worth it.
#spoonbill #spoonbills #RSPB #birdwatching #nature #ukbirding
#spoonbill #spoonbills #RSPB #birdwatching #nature #ukbirding
Surprisingly, I was the only person in the hide over high tide at Bowling Green Marsh this morning. It was sooooo peaceful. Thirty-three species of birds including two Spoonbill and a Spotted Redshank.
#Devon #BowlingGreenMarsh #birds #nature #wildlife #wetlands #SpottedRedshank #Greenfinch #Spoonbill
📷 Spotted Redshank
📷 Greenfinch
#spoonbill #greenfinch #spottedRedshank #wetlands #wildlife #nature #birds #bowlinggreenmarsh #devon
Over the past few days, Willow Warbler have been arriving in Devon. Its lovely to hear their song and another sign that Spring has sprung.
#BowlingGreenMarsh #Exeter #Devon #birds #birding #nature #wetlands #wildlife #migration #WillowWarbler #Spoonbill #LittleEgret #WhiteBirds
📷 Willow Warbler (x2)
📷 A gathering of white birds (Little Egret, Mute Swan and Eurasian Spoonbill)
#whitebirds #littleegret #spoonbill #WillowWarbler #migration #wildlife #wetlands #nature #birding #birds #devon #exeter #bowlinggreenmarsh
RT @Jocelyn_tdv
A #spoonbill born in spring 2021 in #Camargue just came back from #Ebro_Delta on 18 March. Its movements over the last 10 days show that it is prospecting the Camargue delta extensively, undoubtedly looking for the best breeding and feeding places @TourduValat @TamarLok
#spoonbill #Camargue #ebro_delta
#WaterfowlWednesay: A Tricolored #Heron and Roseate #Spoonbill stand together on a #palm #tree with a #nest made of #sticks sits between them.
#MarshMadness, #TricoloredHeron, #EgrettaTricolor, #RoseateSpoonbill, #PlataleaAjaja, #StAugustine, #Florida, #StAugustineAlligatorFarmandZoologicalPark, #BirdsofMastodon, #Waterfowl, #Photography, #Photograph, #Photo
#waterfowlwednesay #heron #spoonbill #palm #tree #nest #sticks #marshmadness #tricoloredheron #egrettatricolor #roseatespoonbill #plataleaajaja #staugustine #florida #staugustinealligatorfarmandzoologicalpark #birdsofmastodon #waterfowl #photography #photograph #photo
I had been watching quite a few of the spoonbills for awhile but most were just at rest on some logs in the water. After I moved on, I looked back to see that a few had decided rest time was over and time to get back moving and hunting. Captured at South Padre Island, Texas the last day of February
Roseate Spoonbill On the Move ©Debra Martz https://debra-martz.pixels.com/featured/roseate-spoonbill-on-the-move-debra-martz.html
#Spoonbill #birdwatching #birds #aves #reflection #nature #PhotographyIsArt #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #TheArtDistrict #SpringIntoArt
#spoonbill #birdwatching #birds #aves #reflection #nature #photographyisart #BuyIntoArt #ayearforart #theartdistrict #springintoart
As luck would have it I would finally see some Roseate Spoonbills at a decent distance but they all had there heads tucked in for a nap. Perhaps because they rest on only one leg, this one wobbled a bit so I at least got a quick sight of its namesake, the spoonbill, before it tucked back into position.
Roseate Spoonbills Resting Time ©Debra Martz is HERE: https://debra-martz.pixels.com/featured/roseate-spoonbills-resting-time-debra-martz.html
#Spoonbill #roseate #pink #coastal #Birds #Birdwatching #TheArtDistrict #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt #PhotographyIsArt
#spoonbill #roseate #pink #coastal #birds #birdwatching #theartdistrict #BuyIntoArt #ayearforart #photographyisart
I was told your day needed a Roseate Spoonbill doing the twist. I hope I wasn’t misinformed.
#photography #fotografia #fotografie #spoonbill #roseatespoonbill #birds #birding #birdsofmastodon #birdphotography #nature #naturephotography #PuntaSur #RoosterWantsHimToTeachClasses
#Cozumel #LikeWeDidLastSummer
#photography #fotografia #fotografie #spoonbill #roseatespoonbill #birds #birding #birdsofmastodon #birdphotography #Nature #naturephotography #puntasur #roosterwantshimtoteachclasses #cozumel #likewedidlastsummer #lauracochranphotography
A very pleasant and peaceful two hours at Bowling Green Marsh this morning.
#Birds #Birding #UKBirding #Devon #RSPB #BowlingGreenMarsh #wildlife #nature #wetlands
📷 #Sparrowhawk
📷 #Avocet in flight
📷 Lesser Black-backed Gull and Eurasian #Spoonbill
📷 #Firecrest
#firecrest #spoonbill #avocet #sparrowhawk #wetlands #nature #wildlife #bowlinggreenmarsh #RSPB #devon #ukbirding #birding #birds
#MarshMadness: Two #waterfowl (#WaterBirdWednesday), a #RoseateSpoonbill / #Roseate #Spoonbill and a #TricoloredHeron / #Tricolored #Heron wading in the #marsh of the #MerrittIsland National #Wildlife Refuge, which is managed as the #briney marsh it started as.
#marshmadness #waterfowl #waterbirdwednesday #roseatespoonbill #roseate #spoonbill #tricoloredheron #tricolored #heron #marsh #merrittisland #wildlife #briney
#photography #fotografia #fotografie #flamingo #spoonbill #birds #birdsofmastodon #birding #birdphotography #nature #naturephotography #Cozumel
#photography #fotografia #fotografie #flamingo #spoonbill #birds #birdsofmastodon #birding #birdphotography #Nature #naturephotography #cozumel #lauracochranphotography
A photo art image of Rosie the Roseate sweeping back and forth with her “spoon” bill (as Roseate Spoonbills do) in the grasses of a local pond searching for something tasty to eat. This pink beauty is in breeding plumage, hence the deep pink color.
#RoseateSpoonbill #roseate #spoonbill #birds #BirdsOfMastodon #birds #PinkBirds #PhotoMonday #MastoArt #MastodonArt #FediArt #art #artists #photography #MastoPhotograph #Mastodon #Fediverse #FediGiftShop #AYearForArt
Rosie: https://hhphotography.pixels.com/featured/rosie-hh-photography-of-florida.html
#roseatespoonbill #roseate #spoonbill #birds #birdsofmastodon #pinkbirds #Photomonday #mastoart #mastodonart #fediart #art #artists #photography #mastophotograph #mastodon #fediverse #fedigiftshop #ayearforart
Voilà quelques jours que trois jolies Spatules blanches ont élu domicile dans le Polder de Ploubalay. Elles semblent bien apprécier le coin.
Il y en a une qui est baguée, à priori depuis les Pays Bas. J'essaie d'en savoir plus à son sujet.
#photoanimaliere #birdsofmastodon #birds #nature #naturephotography #nikon #breizh #bretagne #spoonbill
#photoanimaliere #birdsofmastodon #birds #nature #naturephotography #nikon #Breizh #bretagne #spoonbill
An extraordinary black-faced spoonbill with a fancy hair-do. 🖤 🤍 🤎 🥄
Photographer — Nicole Abdou
#Birds #BirdPhotography #Spoonbill #UniqueBirds #BirdsOfMastodon
#birds #birdphotography #spoonbill #uniquebirds #birdsofmastodon