Let’s have a conversation- how many US states have you traveled to? Don’t necessarily have to live here. Just how many have you been to. #disabled #disabledsocial #spooniechat
#disabled #DisabledSocial #spooniechat
“My Spoons Are Precious/Honor How I Use Them
Spoon theory is a metaphor used to describe the amount of mental or physical energy a person has available for daily activities and tasks. A spoon represents a unit of energy allocated to each exertion. I must use each spoon (unit of energy) wisely so that I don’t run out before the end of the day”
@spoonies #spoonie #spoonies #SpoonieChat #spoonielife #spooniesupport #spooniecommunity #chronicillness
#spoonie #spoonies #spooniechat #spoonielife #spooniesupport #spooniecommunity #chronicillness
I've never had pain that feels like burning before, but my left side feels like it's ON FIRE. That could be my Endo, right? I'm scared my Endo is getting worse, but I'm even more afraid I'm developing yet another illness or comorbidity.
Such a pleasant way to be woken up in the middle of the night 🙃
#Endometriosis #SpoonieChat #NEISvoid #Painsomnia #ChronicPain
#Endometriosis #spooniechat #NEISvoid #painsomnia #chronicpain
RT @GaelynnLea@twitter.com
In acknowledgement of #IDPwD2022, take time to explore #DisabilityTwitter:
Hashtags: #CriptheVote, #CripLit, #AccessisLove, #ActuallyAutistic, #SpoonieChat, #DisabledJoy, #BlackDisabledLivesMatter
Humans: @SFdirewolf@twitter.com, @Imani_Barbarin@twitter.com, @emily_ladau@twitter.com, @lachimusic@twitter.com, @NotYourAvgHo101@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GaelynnLea/status/1599159138747002881
#idpwd2022 #disabilitytwitter #cripthevote #criplit #accessislove #actuallyautistic #spooniechat #DisabledJoy #blackdisabledlivesmatter
RT @DawnMGibson@twitter.com
Q1: Please introduce yourself in a way you're comfortable with. Or tell us something that's happening in your world.
Disclosure of diagnosis or specific circumstances is NEVER required here at #SpoonieChat.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DawnMGibson/status/1598119941747535874
@cavar I really appreciate(d) the spaces #ActuallyAutistic, #StopTheShock, #NEISvoid, and #PwME hashtags facilitated on Twitter. I also (every now and then) participated in the weekly #AutChat and occasional #SpoonieChat discussions.
#spooniechat #autchat #pwme #neisvoid #stoptheshock #actuallyautistic
RT @alexhaagaard@twitter.com
Every once in a while I see this question come up and I always end up doing an info dump so I'm finally going to make a thread about it.
What should you put on your MedicAlert bracelet?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/alexhaagaard/status/1594092646288564225