I just want to add that treatment does not equal cured for many of us. Treatment can mean different things to different people. For me it was learning how to live in my new body. Learning what pacing means using #SpoonTheory for context. Making a pain management plan with my doctor. Relearning a bunch of dexterity based skills etc.
just tooling around;
planning doesn’t seem to help:
I’m all out of Spoons.
#haiku #spoontheory #mentalhealth
I should plan my supply of spoons better. On the surface, I appear rather well functional; underneath, however, it’s a torrent of stuff. At times, striking me dumb; stranded and waiting for relief.
Am I being too cynical to suggest this is a trial balloon to test possible official responses to a looming disability crisis?
#LongCovid #PEM #pacing #MECFS #Covid #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #SpoonTheory #Spoons #Disability #DisabilityJustice #LongCovidJustice
#longcovidjustice #DisabilityJustice #disability #spoons #spoontheory #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #COVID #mecfs #pacing #pem #LongCovid
The 'sad bastards cookbook' is a free cookbook for people with zero spoons.
What an important work!
#spoontheory #cookbook #food #depression #fatigue
Spoons and What I Do With Them
I think for this first day of Blaugust I want to talk a little about how I'm spending my time these days. I would be remiss if I
#Books #General #Lifestyle #TabletopGames #TVFilm #VideoGames #WorldOfWarcraft #Blaugust #Blaugust2023 #Books #DungeonsDragons #fatigue #gaming #health #horror #life #MentalHealth #MMORPG #Movies #reading #series #SpoonTheory #TabletopGames #TV #updates #VideoGames
#books #general #lifestyle #tabletopgames #tvfilm #videogames #worldofwarcraft #blaugust #blaugust2023 #dungeonsdragons #fatigue #gaming #health #horror #life #mentalhealth #mmorpg #movies #reading #series #spoontheory #tv #updates
"The Three Laws of Thermodynamic Autistic Motion", also known as "Spins, Spoons, and Splines".
#ReticulatingSplines #Autism #Aspergers #SpoonTheory #Inertia #Spins #spoons #Splines
#reticulatingsplines #autism #aspergers #spoontheory #inertia #spins #spoons #splines
@audhd I got a surprise today! There are real people out there who have signed up for my Low-Spoonz Newsletter off of www.BZBrainz.com after my April release. I have not yet sent out a newsletter, but I will within Quarter 3. It's titled the "Low-Spoonz Newsletter" for a good reason! You won't hear from me often, only if I have something to share and as I have spoons to share them. #chronicallyill #actuallyautistic #adhd #spoons #spoontheory
#chronicallyill #actuallyautistic #adhd #spoons #spoontheory
Hello and welcome to my #introduction 👋I am a mid-thirties, late diagnosed #ADHDer, with an #autistic partner. Coming up to my diagnosis 1-year anniversary 🥳 and learning lots every day, having regular “aha” moments. I work PT #burnout in a library and spend my free time trying to coral my unruly curiosity fairly unsuccessfully.
A snippet of my many waxing and waning interests include: #cacti #succulents #cats #dogs #budgies #astronomy #zoology #economics #tech #psychology #neurodiversity #spoontheory #streetart #modernart #arthistory #sculpture #crafts #museums #artgalleries #urbanspaces #heritage #architecture #snailmail #books #libraries #archives #forteana #documentaries #podcasts #zooniverse #googlecrowdsource #miscellanea
#introduction #ADHDer #Autistic #burnout #cacti #succulents #cats #dogs #budgies #astronomy #zoology #economics #tech #psychology #neurodiversity #spoontheory #StreetArt #modernart #ArtHistory #sculpture #crafts #museums #artgalleries #urbanspaces #heritage #architecture #snailmail #books #libraries #archives #forteana #documentaries #podcasts #zooniverse #googlecrowdsource #miscellanea
Overslept this morning. Spoons are very low. Like almost 0. Just feel so tired.
#neurodivergent #adhd #spoontheory #fatigue
If you see people on Mastodon talking about "spoons" in a way that doesn't seem to make sense, they are probably making a reference to "Spoon Theory," a great analogy for limited & unpredictable personal resources.
Here's the original Spoons essay that started it all, which is well worth a quick moment to read.
#Spoons #SpoonTheory #DisabilityMastodon #Etymology #LongCovid
#spoons #spoontheory #DisabilityMastodon #etymology #LongCovid
Surround yourself with people who replenish your spoon drawer rather than deplete it (if you can!).
#ActuallyAutistic #AutisticBurnout #AskingAutistics #SpoonTheory #Autism
#actuallyautistic #autisticburnout #askingautistics #spoontheory #autism
May is #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis (ME) Awareness Month.
You can help by retooting this video
(9 minutes) This is ME (2020) "A short film exploring 'Spoon Theory' told through the eyes of a young woman struggling with ME/#ChronicFatigueSyndrome" https://vimeo.com/338532785 "The best thing I’ve ever done: Filmmaker with ME wants to raise awareness of hidden illness" https://www.swlondoner.co.uk/this-is-me-filmmaker-josh-pickup/
#MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #Spoonies #Spoonie #SpoonTheory #PwME #MEeps #CFSME #CFIDS @spoonies @mecfs @cfs
#myalgicencephalomyelitis #mecfs #cfs #myalgice #spoonies #spoonie #spoontheory #pwme #meeps #cfsme #cfids
No spoons left.
Have signed off work early to avoid dipping into knives again.
Gone to bed to rest.
#spoonie #spoontheory #knifehypothesis
Liebe Alle - ich bin geschafft, viel passiert heute, aber trotzdem noch ein halber Löffel übrig ( #Löffeltheorie #spoontheory ) . Damit das so bleibt, geh ich jetzt schlafen. Noch ein kleines Highlight von heute: Gesehen, dass einer meiner Nachbarn im Hinterhof war. Der Einzige, der mich nie gegrüsst hat und auch sonst mich kaum mit dem Hintern anguckt. Über meinen Schatten gesprungen, runter, auf ihn zu, mich vorgestellt - und 5 Minuten später zum Grillieren eingeladen worden🙂
Gute Nacht🤗
Tiefergehender Kontakt entsteht (für mich) erst, wenn Menschen ohne #Behinderung etwas wissen über #Ableismus #Spoontheory, das soziale Modell von Behinderung und die Bedeutung eines Nachteilsausgleiches. Oder zumindest etwas darüber erfahren wollen.
#behinderung #ableismus #spoontheory
It is important to pace (I still hate that word) doing the heavy jobs and do them in bite sized chunks rather than attempting to do them in one go. If I tried to do it in one go I'd be setting myself up for both failure and a flare up. I'd be hurting my body and my mental health. #ChronicPain #ChronicFatigue #gardening #pacing #SpoonTheory
#chronicpain #chronicfatigue #gardening #pacing #spoontheory
me: I dunno, I'm just really tired and I have no energy
my therapist: hmm, I'm trying to think of something that will give you more #spoons
my therapist: have you been playing any fun video games?
me: I haven't played anything in ... I don't know how long
my therapist: well I know you have some things to do today, but you should make some time for #videogames ... or resting, maybe
anyway, time to start Have A Nice Death!
#spoons #videogames #spoontheory #therapy #mentalhealth
I didn’t manage my #spoons well today. Tomorrow is another chance to try again. #spoontheory
I randomly stumbled upon the #SpoonTheory while reading a blog post (which was actually about setting up an Owncast server on a Raspberry Pi) and I'm glad I did - there's a lot to learn just by reading this article: https://butyoudontlooksick.com/articles/written-by-christine/the-spoon-theory/