Al Pearce · @alanpearcephd
37 followers · 36 posts · Server

Interesting headline in regional news mastheads today, even though I explicitly said, and quoted in the article, we were not about stopping sports (there's a difference between "modifiy" and "limit"). However, the message that is a brain injury and not just a did come through, and that we need to take this far more seriously than it currently is (despite the rhetoric from the sports).

#fairfax #concussion #headknock #injury #sportsconcussions #concussioninsport #braininjury #sport #football #rugby #australianrulesfootball #afl #nrl

Last updated 2 years ago

beth covitt · @bethcovitt
223 followers · 149 posts · Server

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NYT: Will This Device Protect Athletes’ Brains, or Only Make Them Think It Does?

Matthew Futterman

More and more pro and college athletes are trying on the Q-Collar as they search for something, anything, that might keep their brains safe. But does it work?


#openaccess #tbi #sportsconcussions

Last updated 2 years ago

beth covitt · @bethcovitt
246 followers · 166 posts · Server

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NYT: Will This Device Protect Athletes’ Brains, or Only Make Them Think It Does?

Matthew Futterman

More and more pro and college athletes are trying on the Q-Collar as they search for something, anything, that might keep their brains safe. But does it work?


#openaccess #tbi #sportsconcussions

Last updated 2 years ago