Wait wait wait...you guys are getting paid?? How do I get my money? I'm due over 30 years of backpay times seven! #sportsnight #bigsisters #90s #sitcom #dramedy
#sportsnight #bigsisters #90s #sitcom #dramedy
Context: I was fixing old links on ErosBlog when I saw this #SportsNight dialog about #PhoneSex quoted in a post from a blog that's been gone since 2010. I forgot how amusing that show was.
John Masefield's poem SEA FEVER gets quoted in a lot of things like Star Trek and Sports Night. So in 2012 I turned Sea Fever into a limited animation short with zombies and Lovecraft's Dagon.
#johnmasefield #zombies #seafever #hplovecraft #startrek #sportsnight
#sportsnight #StarTrek #hplovecraft #seafever #zombies #johnmasefield