Invasion from afar
Insects from across the sea
Labor Day pest's here
#spottedlanternfly #insectinvasion #southkorea #laborday #haiku #poetry
#spottedlanternfly #insectinvasion #southkorea #laborday #haiku #poetry
‘The actor Kieran Culkin, known for his role as Roman Roy in “Succession,” was observed employing this tactic in Brooklyn last month, using one shoe to destroy, by his audible count, at least 70 lanternflies. One bystander declared him “a true N.Y.C. hero.”’
#SpottedLanternfly #Lanternfly #NYC #KieranCulkin #Succession
#succession #kieranculkin #nyc #lanternfly #spottedlanternfly
Gizmodo: 10 Bugs Scientists Want You to Squash Immediately #agriculturalpestinsects #brownmarmoratedstinkbug #spottedlanternfly #euglandinarosea #invasivespecies #emeraldashborer #rosywolfsnail #pentatomidae #khaprabeetle #environment #ashborer #stinkbug #insect #brown
#agriculturalpestinsects #brownmarmoratedstinkbug #spottedlanternfly #euglandinarosea #invasivespecies #emeraldashborer #rosywolfsnail #pentatomidae #khaprabeetle #environment #ashborer #stinkbug #insect #brown
Killed a Spotted Lanternfly at the Brooklyn Museum just now. #SpottedLanternfly
Gizmodo: Spotted Lanternflies Are Flapping About Again. Squash Their Buggy Brains Out. #agriculturalpestinsects #spottedlanternfly #environment #jessicaware #fulgoridae #aphaeninae #carroll #insect
#agriculturalpestinsects #spottedlanternfly #environment #jessicaware #fulgoridae #aphaeninae #carroll #insect
Since I've run into a few people who don't know what these are, this is one of the larval phases for the spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula), which are invasive and destructive. Feel free to squish these.
#spottedlanternfly #larva #insects #entomology #LycormaDelicatula #nature #wildlife #macro #ultramacro #luminarneo #canonphotography #nycparks
#spottedlanternfly #larva #insects #entomology #lycormadelicatula #nature #wildlife #macro #ultramacro #LuminarNeo #canonphotography #nycparks
It's Spotted Lanternfly hatching time! Check your garden plants.
There were none on the rose bushes on Friday. There were groups of twenty or so nymphs on those same bushes today. The majority of them were shaken off into a cup of soapy water, then chucked in the trash.
I don't like killing things, especially when they are so cute, but there are too many to leave to natural predators. I hope the spiders get any we missed.
#invasivepests #insects #spottedlanternfly #pennsylvania
Just squished about 10 #SpottedLanternfly nymphs on my back deck. #TisTheSeason #Pittsburgh
#spottedlanternfly #tistheseason #pittsburgh
Global News BC: Spotted lanternfly could come after Canada’s wines. Here’s what to know #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #whatisaspottedlanternfly #Canada'swineregions #SpottedLanternfly #Canadawinesupply #Canadavineyards #InvasiveSpecies #InvasivePests #OkanaganWine #Wineindustry #Environment #Grapevines #Vineyards #Consumer #Canada #bcwine #Wine
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #whatisaspottedlanternfly #Canada #spottedlanternfly #canadawinesupply #canadavineyards #invasivespecies #invasivepests #okanaganwine #wineindustry #environment #grapevines #vineyards #Consumer #bcwine #wine
Did a civic duty. Reported a horrendous #SpottedLanternfly infestation to
Spotted Lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula)
Introduced in New York County (2020), NY, via anthropogenic means
Observer: ricbrown2
via Fort Tryon Park: Biodiversity and Ecology #iNaturalist Project.
Several observations
Using railing of fence to move between plants. Several hundred on railing this morning:
#FtTryonParkNYCbiodiversity #NYC #WaHi #SpottedLanternfly
#inaturalist #fttryonparknycbiodiversity #nyc #wahi #spottedlanternfly
Plants on which I’ve killed #SLF [#SpottedLanternFly} nymphs this week: Roses, viburnum, mock orange, black walnut, grapevines. Methinks I’m going to need a bigger supply of Safer Insecticidal Soap…. #InvasiveSpecies
#SLF #spottedlanternfly #invasivespecies
Catherine found #spottedlanternfly nymphs all over the goldenrod and trumpet vine today — native plants that support hummingbirds and numerous native bees.
We are hiring a postdoc to work on the urban ecology of invasive pests and host-plant phenology. Please RB!
#ecology #phenology #openscience #opendata #ecologicalforecasting #invasivespecies #spottedlanternfly #winelover #wine #outreach #postdoc #job
#ecology #phenology #OpenScience #opendata #EcologicalForecasting #invasivespecies #spottedlanternfly #winelover #wine #outreach #postdoc #job
ESA's Special Collection on Spotted Lanternfly, first compiled in 2021, has been expanded! Revisit the collection for 12 new articles from ESA journals adding to the growing body of research on this invasive insect. #insects #entomology #invasivespecies #spottedlanternfly
#insects #entomology #invasivespecies #spottedlanternfly
"The research team simulated spotted lanternfly spread dynamics using models that incorporated info on habitat suitability, life history, movement, and natural dispersal behaviors. 'We were quite surprised by the overwhelming effect of human-mediated dispersal in accurately predicting spread dynamics,' said Zach Ladin, supervisory wildlife biologist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service." #entomology #insects #spottedlanternfly #invasivespecies
#entomology #insects #spottedlanternfly #invasivespecies
RT @MRHelmus
I am hiring a postdoc to work on the quantitative ecology of invasive species using big data. Please RT!
#ecology #DataScience #bigdata #openscience #opendata #ecologicalforecasting #invasivespecies #spottedlanternfly #winelovers #outreach #broaderimpact
#ecology #datascience #bigdata #openscience #opendata #ecologicalforecasting #invasivespecies #spottedlanternfly #winelovers #outreach #broaderimpact
RT @mrhelmus
I am hiring a postdoc to work on the quantitative ecology of invasive species using big data. Please RT!
#ecology #DataScience #bigdata #openscience #opendata #ecologicalforecasting #invasivespecies #spottedlanternfly #winelovers #outreach #broaderimpact
#ecology #datascience #bigdata #OpenScience #opendata #EcologicalForecasting #invasivespecies #spottedlanternfly #winelovers #outreach #broaderimpact
@rvaweather the worst part of the winter warmness is that all the non-native pest bugs will survive the winter. We need a good freeze now and then to kill them off. I'm thinking #stinkbugs in particular but also this new #spottedLanternFly coming down from #Pennsylvania
#stinkbugs #spottedlanternfly #pennsylvania