New #review today: "Subtracted Soundscapes is #JohanAgebjörn’s eighth full length album (including the two with Mikael Ogren). So what exactly is a “subtracted” soundscape, anyway? The eight tracks are pieces that were released on some of Agebjörn’s previous releases (on #SpottedPeccary and other labels) but have now had parts subtracted from them, to arrive at something calmer, gentler, and warmer than the original versions." #ExposeOnline #ElectronicMusic #AmbientMusic
#ambientmusic #electronicmusic #exposeonline #spottedpeccary #johanagebjorn #review
New #review today for Biome by #Frore: "One will hear #drones, pads, heavy tribal percussion, world instruments, hypnotic industrial sounds, sequences and even field recordings, all creating dense and immersive atmospherics that a listener can easily get lost within." #ExposeOnline #ElectronicMusic #SpottedPeccary
#spottedpeccary #electronicmusic #exposeonline #drones #frore #review
Released today: Craig Padilla & Marvin Allen - Weathering the Storm
I had pre-ordered the album on Bandcamp and was excited to download the flac files today!
#CraigPadilla #MarvinAllen #SpottedPeccary
#spottedpeccary #marvinallen #CraigPadilla
On Bandcamp I have pre-ordered the upcoming album "Weathering the Storm" by Craig Padilla and Marvin Allen.
Looking forward to hearing their quality music.
#Bandcamp #SpottedPeccary #CraigPadilla
#CraigPadilla #spottedpeccary #bandcamp