A very cute little eastern quoll; considered extinct on mainland Australia, they survive only on Tasmania. I photographed this little guy at the Billabong Koala Wildlife Park near Port MacQuarie, New South Wales #Australia #marsupial #quoll #spottedquoll #endangered #wildlife #WildlifePhotography #photography #Tasmania
#australia #marsupial #quoll #spottedquoll #endangered #wildlife #wildlifephotography #photography #tasmania
I promise I will post half sensible, half intelligent things, eventually.
But my present concern, today, is the current lack of quolls on this platform (well… this seems on par with their virtual extinction on the Australian mainland.)
An under-appreciated and critically threatened animal.
#quolls #marsupialpost #endangered #spottedquoll #Dasyurus #easternquoll #tigerquoll
#quolls #marsupialpost #endangered #spottedquoll #dasyurus #easternquoll #tigerquoll