Finally finished processing all the pictures from my trip, and I'll be sharing some of my favourites here. eBird trip report with them all, even the not-so-good/"ID Quality" ones:
On the first real day of birding, there was a #YellowWarbler being very photogenic, as well as a #SpottedTowhee looking fabulous and a male #DownyWoodpecker checking out some #RedBreastedSapsucker holes in a tree.
#yellowwarbler #spottedtowhee #downywoodpecker #redbreastedsapsucker
Staring Contest
#SpottedTowhee #Towhee #Sparrow #Birds #BirdsFacingForward #Wildlife
#wildlife #birdsfacingforward #birds #sparrow #towhee #spottedtowhee
Friday is for the birds. Apparently.
Took a walk through the Washington Park Arboretum yesterday. Lots of trees in flower over there, but the thing I ended up pointing the camera at the most were the birds.
Fujifilm X-T4, Fujifilm 70-300 f4-5.6
#Photography #Birds #Mallard #SpottedTowhee #StellersJay #FujiFilm
#photography #birds #mallard #spottedtowhee #stellersjay #fujifilm
Saw a spotted towhee perched on a tree next to my yard today. This bird was calling for a mate. A male showed up but flew below the fence before I could snap a picture.
#nm #santafe #photo #spottedtowhee #birdsofmastodon #today
Spotted* towhees always look wonderfully cranky and possessed, but they also do a charming, funny little two-footed, back-and-forth hopping--"double scratching"--on the ground to scratch up seeds and bug snacks. They are adorably freaky and awesome.
*If I hadn't spotted this #SpottedTowhee, would it just be a towhee? 🤔
#spottedtowhee #backyardbirding #oregon #demonology
Sometimes called the Oregon towhee (as though anyone could own them), this #SpottedTowhee is such a round, hearty joy this morning, especially with eir head thrown back in song.
One of my guides describes the song as a "drier, faster take on the Eastern towhee's drink-your-tea song." To me, it is a lovely, homespun trill, such as you might be able to come up with using items found around your kitchen. Anyway, good morning.
#Birds #Birdsong #LowCarbonBirding #Oregon #IfYouWantToSingOutSingOut
#spottedtowhee #birds #birdsong #lowcarbonbirding #oregon #ifyouwanttosingoutsingout
I spied a Spotted Towhee today by the Sacramento River. #Birds #BirdWatching #SpottedTowhee #Fujifilm
#birds #birdwatching #spottedtowhee #fujifilm
A spotted towhee sits on a branch in the winter forest
#spottedtowhee #towhee #bird #woodland #forest #birdart #woodlandart #birdsofmastodon #CreativeToots #MastoArt
#MastoArt #CreativeToots #birdsofmastodon #woodlandart #birdart #forest #woodland #bird #towhee #spottedtowhee
A younger #SpottedTowhee, not yet come into their brilliant ruby eyes. They were enjoying a morning without a heavy rain. "For the birds", the idiom goes. Idioms reveal a lot about the culture that came up with them. Imagine! If something is "for the birds" than it's deemed worthless, meaningless. When we diminish our living kin, we diminish ourselves. #ScianewTerritory
#spottedtowhee #scianewterritory
More #birding pictures after a break for bad weather. We went out New Years Day to get a start on our yearlist. I got a great picture of a #ChestnutBackedChickadee, except for the cut-off tail, a #LesserScaup, a #BlackCappedChickadee and (maybe) a maculatus #SpottedTowhee in light rain.
#birding #chestnutbackedchickadee #lesserscaup #blackcappedchickadee #spottedtowhee
Birding Hits the Spot
#sparrow #birds #spottedtowhee
Pictures from this morning's walks around the yard and Whiskeytown Lake
Hooded Mergansers - Clouds flowing over the hills
Manzanita buds (Greenleaf, patula?) - Spotted Towhee
#WhiskeytownLake #Manzanita #Patula #SpottedTowhee #Birding #HoodedMerganser
#whiskeytownlake #manzanita #patula #spottedtowhee #birding #hoodedmerganser
Also saw a spotted towhee on the snow picking up seeds from the porch.
#SouthLakeTahoe #California #Birds #Birding #BirdWatching #Wildlife #NaturePhotography #WildlifePhotography #BirdPhotography #BirdsOfMastodon #SpottedTowhee
#southlaketahoe #california #birds #birding #birdwatching #wildlife #naturephotography #wildlifephotography #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #spottedtowhee
I hike frequently to cleanse my mind and seek the solace of nature to help balance the madness of politics with the peace of nature. This is a Spotted Towhee, a winter visitor. A large New World Sparrow (Passerellidae), it resides in deep thickens, but can be bold when singing. We are lucky to see western and eastern bird ranges overlapping at #OxleyNatureCenter #BirdPhotography #SpottedTowhee
#oxleynaturecenter #birdphotography #spottedtowhee #wildlifephotography
More #birding pictures from last weekend. A chilly looking #BlackCappedChickadee, a #SpottedTowhee in the morning sun, crunching on some snow, and a #FoxSparrow puffed up against the cold. The Chickadee picture is a new favourite.
#birding #blackcappedchickadee #spottedtowhee #foxsparrow
More #birding pictures I took today, I got several that I really liked. A slightly iridescent #AmericanCrow, and #AmericanCoot looking back, a #SpottedTowhee crunching on some seeds and last, but not least, a fabulous #WoodDuck.
#birding #americancrow #americancoot #spottedtowhee #woodduck
Spotted Towhee
#maplewoodflats #birb #spottedtowhee #photography
#maplewoodflats #birb #spottedtowhee #photography
Have another towhee why not
#maplewoodflats #birb #spottedtowhee #photography
#maplewoodflats #birb #spottedtowhee #photography
Towhee, close up
#maplewoodflats #birb #spottedtowhee #photography
#maplewoodflats #birb #spottedtowhee #photography