Made it to Waterford for visiting my brother and the final day of Spraoi. Fireworks are magic. Dunno why hundreds of people staring at the sky going ‘oooh’ gives me the warm fuzzies but it does. Waterford are code is 051 and the Spraoi parade this year was alien themed. Saw an awesome interpretive dance from a group called Mirage. A very satisfactory Sunday.
Family #spraoi anti-pattern. Gather the kids and go into town around 10am. Realise when you get there that nothing starts till 1pm. Shamble around, eat, drink and watch kids deteriorate with boredom for the next couple of hours. Get the bus home at 12.30pm with crying children having seen nothing.
Let’s see if we get further this year!
Some wind in #Waterford this morning. Wonder how the tents are holding up at #alltogethernow? Supposed to be nice tomorrow anyway.
#Spraoi festival also underway in town. Probably head in at some stage.
#waterford #alltogethernow #spraoi
Seisiún álainn ag Teaghlaigh Chill Dara / Teanga Tí le @Cabrini i Leabharlann Nás na Ríogh ar maidin. @Glor_na_nGael #Gaeilge #CillDara #teaghlaigh #pobal #spraoi
#gaeilge #CillDara #teaghlaigh #pobal #spraoi
An bhfuil tú in ann teacht ar na nathanna cainte / frásaí? #Gaeilge #spraoi #nathannacainte
#gaeilge #spraoi #nathannacainte
An bhfuil tú in ann teacht ar na nathanna cainte / frásaí? #Gaeilge #spraoi #nathannacainte
#gaeilge #spraoi #nathannacainte
An bhfuil tú in ann teacht ar na nathanna cainte / frásaí? #Gaeilge #spraoi #nathannacainte
#gaeilge #spraoi #nathannacainte
An bhfuil tú in ann teacht ar na nathanna cainte / frásaí? #Gaeilge #spraoi #nathannacainte
#gaeilge #spraoi #nathannacainte
Faigh na nathanna cainte / frásaí. #Gaeilge #spraoi #nathannacainte
#gaeilge #spraoi #nathannacainte
An bhfuil tú in ann teacht ar na nathanna cainte / frásaí?
#nathannacainte #gaeilge #spraoi