BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
170 followers · 720 posts · Server

Environmentalists condemn Australia’s ‘woeful record’ after 48 plants and animals added to threatened species list

“This many species being added to the list in one go is a sign of widespread ecological collapse,” Tim Beshara of the Wilderness Society.

“Australia has a woeful track record when it comes to protecting our unique animals and plants. We are a world leader in sending mammals to extinction – and it is mostly because we keep allowing their homes to be bulldozed, logged and overrun,” Nature campaigner Jess Abrahams

“We need stronger laws to protect these species and significantly more funding to do it with."

#australia #environmentalmanagement #sprawl #roads #cats #dogs #deforestation #logging #nswlogging #thegreatkoalanationalpark #biodiversity #endangeredspecies #wildlife #koalas #conservation #care #extinction

Last updated 1 year ago

OverageGmngCom · @OverageGmngCom
49 followers · 62 posts · Server
Thomas Panzner · @thomas
71 followers · 544 posts · Server

Today I refunded - hard to beat mission 1 - very easy mission 2-5 - OK graphics - was no fun - was very disappointed because i hoped for a great game

I played the first chapters of - very good gameplay, music and graphics - reminds me of Trepang2 Ghostrunner and Prodeus - cool moods like or movies

#armoredcorevi #sprawl #cyberpunk #bladerunner #ghostintheshell #gaming

Last updated 1 year ago

BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
150 followers · 635 posts · Server

Bushfires and the 15-kilometre traffic jam
Dangerous fires and a bottlenecks when fleeing bushfires

"There will be people caught in their cars, trying to get out of the area...When wildfires tore through the county of Maui in Hawaii earlier this month, leaving more than 100 people dead, some whom perished in their cars on the gridlocked road out of the town."

#planning #sprawl #exitroutes #fossilfuel #bushfires #risks #cars #traffic #roads #gridlocked #bellingen #waterfallway

Last updated 1 year ago

BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
149 followers · 626 posts · Server

Old zombie development applications are popping up all over the NSW coast

"They are outdated developments that have no social licence, ignore current science, and endanger wildlife by clearing coastal habitat."It's death by a thousand cuts for our endangered wildlife."

"The little villages that everyone loves to take their holidays at, you can forget about it if we destroy them." Ms Faehrmann said "What I found was an onslaught of development planned that would destroy coastal NSW as we all know, and love it"

#nsw #southwestrocks #coast #sprawl #coastalnsw #das

Last updated 1 year ago

Manly Blog · @MnlyBeach
35 followers · 237 posts · Server
Manly Blog · @MnlyBeach
35 followers · 236 posts · Server
BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
117 followers · 573 posts · Server

Suburban sprawl and car dependence go hand in hand

“Suburban sprawl leads to more high-speed roads, longer distances between centres of daily activity and more time in cars. All these factors increase the risk of road deaths and injuries.”

“Car-dependent neighbourhoods deprive children of opportunities essential for their health and wellbeing. They miss out on physical activity, unstructured play, social interaction and developing social networks. In addition, traffic noise and air pollution expose them to a wide range of environmental and health problems.”

“How can we develop better planning policies to create neighbourhoods that properly meet families’ needs? Some policies already exist, such as 15-minute or 20-minute neighbourhoods, to reduce private car use for daily activities. But these policies get sidelined when governments promote suburban sprawl and build more freeways.”

“Car-centric planning dates back to the 1950s. Since then, Australian suburban fringe development has largely failed to create child-friendly neighbourhoods.”

“If governments are serious about the needs of families with children, they could start by acknowledging children’s needs and rights to be able to get to their daily destinations without a car. To deliver neighbourhoods that make this possible, governments need to be bold and decisive in their planning.”

“Suburban sprawl and car dependence go hand in hand. Our politicians must commit to urban planning where cars are no longer privileged. Otherwise we deny our children basic rights to learn, play and socialise safely in their own neighbourhoods.”

#roaddeaths #backyards #15minuteneighbourhoods #sprawl #children #dependence #rights #bellingen #nsw #roads #pollution #noise #fossilfuel #cars #mobility #so50s

Last updated 1 year ago

BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
115 followers · 567 posts · Server

Walkable towns or fossil fuel dependent car infrastructure?
Having the 9 am Belllingen traffic jam in mind:

“Poor planning and over-development in the once-sleeping... suburb has made overcrowded streets and parking a nightmare. It's turned what was a really beautiful little suburb into a place of a lot of frustration and disappointment”

"What we've seen overseas is this move towards a walkable city. Taking cars out, having really good public transport, having mixed-use development so you have retail, you have residential and then you have office buildings."

#bellingen #sprawl #failure #fossilfuel #dependency #roads #climate #walkability

Last updated 1 year ago

NSW.Biodiversity · @Biodiversity
177 followers · 427 posts · Server

It's a dog-eat-dog world
“Dog attacks on the semi-rural areas of tourist town. A pack of wild dogs — resembling dingoes — mauling three pet dogs, stalking horse riders, chasing a cyclist and killing chooks
tourist town's fringes”

#wildlife #pet #dogs #sprawl

Last updated 1 year ago

Manly Blog · @MnlyBeach
36 followers · 221 posts · Server

Sydney’s drinking water quality under threat from climate crisis, report finds

“Climate change is predicted to drive more frequent and extreme natural disasters in coming years. This will threaten the resilience or capacity of the catchment to maintain essential ecosystem services such as the provision of adequate, good quality source water.”

#sydney #sewage #sprawl #climate #bushfires #pollution #habitat #degradation #wetlands #erosion #mining #water

Last updated 1 year ago

BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
112 followers · 556 posts · Server

The destruction of koala habitat pushes them into high risk territories

“A koala has been spotted walking along a NSW beach the incident highlights the impact of koala habitat loss in urban areas. It's a key issue we are seeing everywhere, not just on the Mid North Coast...Anyone who spotted a koala in an unusual location should contact a wildlife carer...If they had more habitat they wouldn't need the koala hospital."

#midnorthcoast #sprawl #cars #dogattacks #pets #fragmentedhabitats #logging #homeless #wildlife #biodiversity

Last updated 1 year ago

Manly Blog · @MnlyBeach
33 followers · 216 posts · Server

Endangered koalas
"Developers don't even have to check for koalas when they clear habitat, and what you're seeing is koalas losing their homes, needing to find new ones, crossing the roads, and getting themselves into lots of trouble."

#sydney #wildlife #roads #cars #sprawl #extinction

Last updated 1 year ago

Jos · @Josalyn
66 followers · 186 posts · Server
Manly Blog · @MnlyBeach
31 followers · 203 posts · Server
BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
99 followers · 523 posts · Server

Mountain views at Northbank road
The little Bellinger Escarpment along Northbank Road is still growing and country roads mutate into highways.

#northbankroad #bellingen #roads #sprawl #fossilfuel

Last updated 1 year ago

Guten Morgen !

Ich hätte aufgrund von Platzmangel noch die Trilogie von William Gibson aus dem Heyneverlag auf Deutsch zu verschenken. Versand gerne möglich.

Bitte teilen!

#buchstodon #bucherliebe #bucher #sprawl

Last updated 1 year ago

OccuWorld · @OccuWorld
63 followers · 602 posts · Server

Let’s face it, the US is Ugly. THIS is why.

The US is UGLY. How did this happen? How did we get this suburban sprawl that we all have to live with today? And what can we do to improve our communities? Turns out it's lots of money, PR, and, you guessed it, racism. Let's talk about it.

#capitalism #commodification #homogenization #sprawl #cookiecutter #suburbs #Community

Last updated 1 year ago

Stephen Shankland · @stshank
2824 followers · 849 posts · Server

I just read every word of this banger on how shitposts on the r/FuckCars Reddit radicalized my colleague to become a car hater.

#sprawl #Cars

Last updated 1 year ago

Aus Platzgründen hab ich die Sprawl-Trilogie von William Gibson abzugeben. Einmal gelesen.

Übernahme der Versandkosten würde reichen.

Bitte boosten!

#sprawl #cyperpunk #SciFi #buecher #kleinanzeigen #buch #bucher

Last updated 1 year ago