Who gets to be part of Calgary's livability? https://www.sprawlcalgary.com/the-livable-city-calgary #sprawlcalgary #yyc
The legends at @sprawlcalgary are making a comic a day all November showcasing the weird and wonderful vehicles of the #CalgaryTransit system!
If you didn't think you were interested in trains, buses and everything in between (hello Hi-rails!) this will surely change your mind.
Now this is my kind of content!
#calgarytransit #sprawlcalgary #calgary #yyc #comics #transit #ctrain
RT @MichelletypoQ@twitter.com
As a Canadian, residing in Alberta, I would like an answer to this Million dollar boondoggle myself..
Why is Alberta clinging to its failed COVID-19 app? https://www.sprawlcalgary.com/alberta-covid-tracing-app-failure #sprawlcalgary #yyc
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MichelletypoQ/status/1329879488260259840