Soc Virnyl Estela · @uncomfyhalomacro
191 followers · 289 posts · Server

People that recently join the have a hard time looking for instances and such. Solutions like mitigates this so called "confusion" by users.

However, should we blame these newer platforms across the and should we use because "i use ?"

No. People who are used to or are not taught about and . Hence, why they say " is bad" or " is so confusing".

#fediverse #spreadmastodon #threads #Facebook #twitter #choice #freedom #fedi #mastodon

Last updated 1 year ago

Margie Whiteleather · @margiesw
58 followers · 108 posts · Server

What's the best URL to share when explaining that joining Mastodon is easier than ever? Is it ?

Also, what are the best talking points that work with people who say "I don't hear anyone mention Mastodon"? So far I have:

* Still growing rapidly - Over 13 million accounts
* High quality conversation
* No ads

Thanks. Not

#spreadmastodon #threads

Last updated 1 year ago

John (he/him) :vbike: · @cd24
1465 followers · 2422 posts · Server

Does anyone on have experience writing opinion pieces for local news papers? The admin team is about to attempt a draft explaining SFBA and the fediverse to a local paper audience. Ideally, in a way it could be customized to each area of the bay! Iā€™d love to invite our neighbors to join us here šŸŽ‰

Also, Iā€™d love to hear about your local paper so I can include them šŸ“° I would be super excited if you want to write it for your paper too! Iā€™d greatly prefer to have a recommendation come from someone in the community than one of the admin team for the website šŸ˜…

#sfba #oped #opinion #localnews #bayarea #spreadmastodon #welcomethecommunity

Last updated 1 year ago

John (he/him) :vbike: · @cd24
1458 followers · 2404 posts · Server

Does anyone on have experience writing opinion pieces for local news papers? Iā€™m about to attempt a draft explaining SFBA and the fediverse to a local paper audience. Ideally, in a way it could be customized to each area of the bay! Iā€™d love to invite our neighbors to join us here šŸŽ‰

Also, Iā€™d love to hear about your local paper so I can include them too šŸ“° I would be super excited if you want to write it for your paper too! Iā€™d greatly prefer to have a recommendation come from someone in the community than one of the admin team for the website šŸ˜…

#sfba #oped #opinion #localnews #bayarea #spreadmastodon #welcomethecommunity

Last updated 1 year ago

John (he/him) :vbike: · @cd24
1425 followers · 2287 posts · Server

As Twitter continues to experience issues (ideological and technical), people will be looking for a place to go. Would you support instances purchasing small ad campaigns on Twitter to let users know about mastodon as an alternative?

#opinion #poll #mastodonmeta #twitter #spreadmastodon

Last updated 1 year ago

Chris Messina · @chrismessina
8643 followers · 1526 posts · Server

I agree with @gruber. Not federating is certainly a choice admins can make, but it's unlikely to have an impact considering that Threads is being bootstrapped off the Instagram social graph.

Would you rather keep the fediverse restricted to its current population of ~8M people or scale it to ~2.35B+?


Last updated 1 year ago

Potung Thul · @potungthul
21 followers · 857 posts · Server


Okay, I tried it, and it basically goes through about 5 web pages, each one a step to set up your Mastodon account. It shows a whole bunch of suggested accounts and tags to follow. You can Select All, or choose categories like "Science" or "News" to follow, which checks/unchecked a bunch of accounts/tags for that category, and you can fine-tune it further if you like.

Very well done! But do explain your intent before requesting access, please.


Last updated 1 year ago

Potung Thul · @potungthul
21 followers · 857 posts · Server

@mastodonmigration @tchambers
It looks interesting, but what does it do?
First thing the web site does is ask me to sign in to my Mastodon account.
Second thing is, my Mastodon instance asks me if I want to authorize for full access to my account.
No explanation of what is going to happen or what is intended.

I'm not saying Yes if the website isn't even going to give me the courtesy of telling me what is intended, other than: "Do this! It'll be really cool!"


Last updated 1 year ago

punko · @punko
573 followers · 1948 posts · Server

steering newbies to what feels like is fast becoming a non-decentralized flavor of the Fediverse is not my idea of a good time. Feels a bit like Oligarchy of the Fedi.

#spreadmastodon #mastodon

Last updated 1 year ago

A really cool tool to help people enjoy is

But: It suggests signing up at and it promotes accounts that lots of people already follow. That doesn't help decentralization!

#mastodon #spreadmastodon

Last updated 1 year ago

Audric · @audricd
37 followers · 459 posts · Server
Athavariel · @Athavariel
20 followers · 2250 posts · Server
hannah aubry · @haubles
474 followers · 325 posts · Server
Tim Chambers · @tchambers
13500 followers · 27756 posts · Server
Mike Fraser :REDCDN: · @mike
1509 followers · 21733 posts · Server

@tchambers @spreadmastodon @maystodon I've opened an embassy on Twitter and am following


Last updated 1 year ago

Tim Chambers · @tchambers
13111 followers · 25024 posts · Server

OK Team and - lots more tweets here for anyone who still has a Twitter account and wants to help amp them up:

cc: @spreadmastodon @maystodon

#spreadmastodon #maystodon

Last updated 1 year ago

Dimitris Kardarakos · @dimitrisk
291 followers · 144 posts · Server

@Scofisticated @aral I agree, easy *and* conscious on-boarding is important.

On-boarding to what?

The campaigners say that they facilitate on-boarding to a "decentralized" network.

This decentralization is an empty word, just a technicality. Because dotsocial will have the content and federation power.

Dotsocial will be able to impose their rules internally and have the negotiating power to speak in the name of the fediverse. To a great extent, they will be the .

#spreadmastodon #Fediverse

Last updated 2 years ago

Sco :progress: :verified_paw: · @Scofisticated
248 followers · 4718 posts · Server

@aral @dimitrisk
Much like I think ppl should have the option of server, & be informed on their choice; I think they need the option of some easy-quick choice, as well as the option to chose a server. And be informed of what the choice between -those two- options mean.

This allows ppl working with that default to -start- questioning it. But also *start* masto at all. Once they have questioned it long enough, they would know there is are servers to choose from. When ready.


Last updated 2 years ago

Sco :progress: :verified_paw: · @Scofisticated
248 followers · 4718 posts · Server

@aral @dimitrisk Something to keep in mind is fighting a default. Ppl coming in from the bigbox socials were given a default, from minute one, that they dont have to pick a server. And -some- of them CAN be convinced to. But some were shown they "dont have to", and wont no matter how it is presented to them. I think those ppl will either take a 1 min answer or not choose at all.

That easy answer should not be a mega server. But some users will be easy-answer or "no".


Last updated 2 years ago

Dimitris Kardarakos · @dimitrisk
289 followers · 139 posts · Server

@davidslifka @feditips @spreadmastodon Sure, people are free to start their own projects.

But, this is not a campaign named that invites people to join an instance because it is great for a set of reasons.

As long as you talk about decentralization (and not growth of a single instance) and (and not .social) people that care about the are free to call for change of course.

#growmastodonsocial #spreadmastodon #Fediverse

Last updated 2 years ago