#Investors say the tightening of #spreads this year has been fuelled partly by a shrinking #JunkBond market, with relatively low new issuance and several upgrades to IG territory helping to anchor prices at artificially high levels, chart @FT bit.ly/3QhXHZX
Meanwhile, investors are putting plenty of money into corporate #bonds as they switch out of equities. That may help explain why credit #spreads, a key gauge for the asset class, are narrowing even as the UST yield curve rings louder #recession alarm bells, chart @GarfieldR1966
This Chocolate Hummus is delicious any time of year, but I am sharing the recipe here now since a lot of us are in holiday mode and perhaps looking for easy-to-make party food.
I prefer desserts that are half-sweet as opposed to sugary, so my Chocolate Hummus recipe follows that formula. I use date syrup instead of sugar, but you can use any sweetener -- and any amount -- that you like. Other ingredients include garbanzo beans, tahini and cocoa powder, but there are numerous variations and substitutions listed in the recipe.
The Chocolate Hummus recipe linked below was originally published on my website in 2019. It is a fantastic appetizer, snack or dessert and can be prepared in around 10 minutes.
#TBT #ThrowbackThursday #ChocolateHummus #Chocolate #Hummus #VegetarianRecipes #Recipe #Appetizers #Desserts #Snacks #Dips #Spreads #Fruit #Food #GlamorosiCooks
#tbt #throwbackthursday #chocolatehummus #chocolate #hummus #vegetarianrecipes #recipe #appetizers #desserts #snacks #dips #spreads #fruit #food #glamorosicooks
In many walks of life, #rudeness is on the rise.
Anger and toxicity are hallmarks of social media. Research shows that rude behavior #spreads like a virus, not only through people who experience it but also through those who witness it, and recent polls suggest most Americans believe #incivility has risen to crisis levels. It’s a problem in the workplace, where 3 out of 5 employees report they experience rudeness at least once a week.
#rudeness #spreads #incivility
Gemini, BlockFi, Genesis annunciano nuove restrizioni man mano che il contagio FTX si diffonde
#16Novembre #announcing #contagion #lending #blockfi #restrictions #exchange #spreads #genesis #according #bankruptcy #trading https://parliamodi.news/detail/1997.html
#trading #bankruptcy #according #genesis #spreads #exchange #restrictions #BlockFi #lending #contagion #announcing #16novembre
Ancient Rome rises again as amphitheatre craze spreads across Britain | Heritage | The Guardian #ancient #rome #rises #again #amphitheatre #craze #spreads #across #britain #heritage #guardian #19giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGhlZ3VhcmRpYW4uY29tL2N1bHR1cmUvMjAyMi9qdW4vMTkvYW5jaWVudC1yb21lLXJpc2VzLWFnYWluLWFzLWFtcGhpdGhlYXRyZS1jcmF6ZS1zcHJlYWRzLWFjcm9zcy1icml0YWlu
#19giugno #guardian #heritage #britain #across #spreads #craze #amphitheatre #again #rises #rome #ancient
#BIG_MENTAL_HEALTH | Why #Gossip Starts & #Spreads at #Work | Joe Mull | TEDxStripDistrict
Gossip is common, but #why? It can #wreck_havoc. Joe has a solution.
Joe Mull, M.Ed works with organizations that need their leaders to become better #bosses and build #stronger_teams.
Joe is the former head of learning and development for one of the largest #physician groups in the U.S. and the author of two books: #Cure for the #Common_Leader and #No_More Team #Drama.
#drama #No_More #Common_Leader #cure #Physician #stronger_teams #bosses #wreck_havoc #why #work #spreads #gossip #BIG_MENTAL_HEALTH
No proof it #exists, and no proof it #spreads #covid
No proof it #exists, and no proof it #spreads #covid
No proof it #exists, and no proof it #spreads #covid