Normally I wouldn't share something good about proprietary software, much less something from #Microsoft, but I have a soft spot for #spreadsheets, and Excel is obviously the heavyweight. And I like Python.
#Excel is getting #Python support.
#microsoft #spreadsheets #excel #python
I've been playing some Splotter games this year. Food Chain Magnate and Horseless Carriage. I'm finding them frustrating and engrossing in equal parts.
Multiple players work the same 2d grid placing tiles on it to optimize for balance between competing priorities.
My work brain is drawing parallels between this and the interface design challenges we've been thinking about at work. Spreadsheets are multiplayer 2d grids in a not very dissimilar fashion.
I’m already dreading #Monday … only because it’s been _years_ since I last had to create a #VLOOKUP. I always struggled with that formula, and being this out of practice isn’t going to help.
#monday #vlookup #excel #spreadsheets #ExistentialDread #work
Get the average of a text-based rating system in Google Sheets #GoogleSheets #spreadsheets
I spent a lot of time in spreadsheets in the past two months. I think spreadsheets are pretty cool.
I didn't use formulas or any complex calculations. It's mostly text and some simple arithmetic.
There's a lot you can do with a large number of cells in 2 dimensions. Spreadsheets can be a good thinking and planning tool.
It's crazy that we had this technology since the 80s.
I have cooked up a little Firefox extension + template to replace the defunct #amazon #CSV downloader. I’d love to find some folks to kick the tires.
But be warned that if you are a #canadian who loves #spreadsheets and does crossborder runs to pick up Amazon packages in the United States, this little workflow is might make you fall in love with me, and I am already taken.
#amazon #csv #canadian #spreadsheets
@rq #sc ( still exists, believe it or not and doesn't have the performance scaling problems of #orgmode's #spreadsheets.
In the life of a Plotter, the joy of writing plots with a spreadsheet is a game-changer.
#WritingCommunity #PlotterVsPantser #Spreadsheets
#spreadsheets #plottervspantser #writingcommunity
@eugen_pfister @chludens @pyhurel @SoBemel Nice hobby! #Spreadsheets See you tomorrow ;-)
Hello everyone, RwbyMoon here, but you can just call me Benjamin ! I'm a Content Designer with a strong taste for #LiveOps and I'm a fabulous French person ! So yeah, #excel #spreadsheets is my thing, even though I like more and more #sql #data!
I love doing #gamedesign #theory before going to practical prototyping, all of my core projects which you can see in my portfolio in my bio !
I come from the world of #rts and #moba games, and love #4x so much that I recently started modding #civ6 !
#LiveOps #excel #spreadsheets #sql #data #gamedesign #theory #rts #moba #4x #civ6
@collin similar intent here, but I felt it is not meant for developers but to let users be developers. #Smalltalk environments might be more like #spreadsheets than code.
Hey let's have a rant about #spreadsheets that literally no-one asked for. (#LibreOffice, #excel, #numbers, #googlesheets)
(And quick "my opinion" disclaimer; I'm going to be rather strident in some claims for the sake of Comedy™, but they will reflect my experience.)
Namely why Apple's version of Excel, Numbers, is actually the best except it's not because it can't sometimes do the things I /want/ it to do. And this boils down to one thing that everyone seems to get wrong.
#spreadsheets #LibreOffice #excel #numbers #googlesheets
Remember kids, friends, don't let friends use #spreadsheets for #projectmanagement!
#spreadsheets #projectmanagement
Ja, ja, #dayofdh –
I spent it on a wild everyday mix of #spreadsheets #transkribus #teaching #multilingual #xslt and #tei
#dayofdh #spreadsheets #Transkribus #teaching #multilingual #xslt #tei
A free, online application that can generate and explain Excel and Google Sheets formulas easily with AI. #AI #spreadsheets #webapps
How can I apply the same conditional formatting rule to multiple rows separately ? For example, color scale for the first row, then a separate color scale for row 2, etc.
It's the same rule, I just don't want a value in row 2 to change the colors in row 1 which is what happens if range is comma separated, like A1:L1, D2:P2.
I could use separate rules, but it's 60 rows. If it matters, I'm using #GoogleSheets I just want a checkbox for "Apply to each column/row separately"
#Googlesheets #excel #spreadsheets
In meinem Leben findet viel in Excel-Tabellen statt und ständig brauche ich neue um Dinge zu ordnen und zu sortieren. Das ist ja erstmal nicht schlimm. Blöd finde ich nur, dass ich seit Jahren dafür Google Spreadsheets nutze und einfach nicht wechseln kann, weil es einfach die beste Software ist und nichts dagegen ankommt.
Habt ihr eine viable Alternative?
#excel #spreadsheets #selfhosting
Is it normal for one's head to explode when crunching budget numbers all day?
(Asking for a friend)
#headache #budget #spreadsheets
#spreadsheets #budget #headache