Rebeka Catalina · @c47
47 followers · 1286 posts · Server

Die OpenSource-Tomaten bei mir auf dem Balkon sind schon weiter, als die auf dem Acker. Die waren aber auch ein paar Tage frueher draussen 🙂 🍅

#OpenSourceSeeds #OpenSourceGardens #FreeTheSeeds #spreadtheseeds #maerchenfee #maerchenglanz #maerchenzauber

Last updated 2 years ago

Rebeka Catalina · @c47
47 followers · 1286 posts · Server

Seit kurzem bin ich bei einem Nachbarschaftsgartenprojekt bei uns im Kiez mit dabei 🙂

Ich habe 4 OpenSource-Tomaten und eine OpenSource-Chili dort - seit dieser Woche treffen wir uns einmal woechentlich. Ich freue mich sehr, dass ich da mitmachen kann 🙂

So habe ich ein paar Pflanzen auf dem Balkon und ein paar im Garten 🙂

#OpenSourceSeeds #OpenSourceGardens #spreadtheseeds #FreeTheSeeds

Last updated 2 years ago

Rebeka Catalina · @c47
48 followers · 1060 posts · Server
Rebeka Catalina · @c47
48 followers · 1060 posts · Server

The become bigger 🙂 There are seedlins of all sorts of OpenSource tomatoes that I have - so far there is one of the OpenSource pepper "Pleated tangerine" and 4 of the OpenSource "Blackheart" pepper/chili and so far none of the "Bubblegum" chili.

#littlebeauties #OpenSourceSeeds #OpenSourceGardens #FreeTheSeeds #spreadtheseeds #maerchenfee #maerchenglanz #maerchenzauber #vivagrande #vivaroma #sunviva #pleatedtangerine #ConnectingGardens #iog #internetofgardens

Last updated 2 years ago

Rebeka Catalina · @c47
48 followers · 1060 posts · Server

The first seedlings showing up 🥰 These are the "Maerchentomatoes" that I purchased recently. I'm very excited 💜

#littlebeauties #OpenSourceSeeds #OpenSourceGardens #FreeTheSeeds #spreadtheseeds

Last updated 2 years ago

Rebeka Catalina · @c47
48 followers · 1060 posts · Server

Yesterday I sowed the vegetables for this year 🙂

- Maerchenzauber
- Maerchenglanz
- Maerchenfee

These are relatively new sorts of OpenSourceSeed tomatoes and I'm super excited. I think I'll gonna sow the usual suspects ( Vivavorma, Vivagrand and Sunviva) as well. I just have a very small balcony, but at least I can give away plants then if I have them 🙂

But there's also

- Blackheart
- Pleated Tangerine

Black Heart is an OpenSource chili and Pleated tangerine is an OpenSource yellow pepper.

And there's also Bubblegum chili - which is not OpenSource. It is a super hot sort of chili. Really really hot. Somewhere in the top 5 or top 3 of the hottest sorts world wide 🔥 🌶️

I can't eat hot peppers anymore, but first of all I want to keep bublegum "alive" because it is a very very good sort. It is super yummy. It's taste is very fruity. Also I would like to try to cross a new variety with it. If it works and if I like the result then I would (of course) put it under OpenSource license 🌱 ☀️ 🌏

/cc @opensourcegardens

#OpenSourceSeeds #OpenSourceGardens #blackheart #sunviva #vivagrande #vivarome #pleatedtangerine #spreadtheseeds #FreeTheSeeds

Last updated 2 years ago