Betanews: Get 'Learning Spring Boot 3.0 -- Third Edition' (worth $35.99) for FREE #LearningSpringBoot3.0 #SpringBoot3.0 #SpringBoot #Article #Packt
#learningspringboot3 #springboot3 #springboot #article #packt
I just found out how to solve the problem with setting up the embedded apache derby in spring boot version 3.x.
Additionally to the dependency for
you also have to add the dependency
org.apache.derby:derbytools .
It seems the embedded driver was moved betweed derby and
#java #spring #boot #SpringBoot #springboot3
Struggeling with embedded #infinispan config in #springboot3 . May the source be with me 🥲
Other things that require attention are obviously the new Spring Security configuration beans. The "new" builder for the secure filter chain requires regression testing on your part.
Similarly, Hibernate @Type annotation has changed: if you had a converter for Money class, JSON (specially Postgres jsonb), UUID, or if you have used LinkedHashMap or TreeMap to deser linear or nester structures: it has changed! Also big text @Lob annotations.
#spring #springboot #springboot3 #java #kotlin #scala
If you're migrating to Spring Boot 3 which requires JDK 17, the blast radius of changing all references of "javax." to "jakarta." is not small!
Start by finding updated versions of the most fringe libs in your full dependency list. Don't worry about the major projects, it's the small version 0.0.1 ones that you need to worry about.
If you upgrade a dependency, please raise a PR, push changes upstream.
#spring #springboot #springboot3 #java #kotlin #scala #clojure
#spring #springboot #springboot3 #java #kotlin #scala #clojure
Spring Boot 3: Upgrading Javax to Jakarta wasn't hard. Upgrading Spring Security on the other what a pain. #java #jvm #SpringBoot3 #spring
#spring #springboot3 #JVM #Java
Spring Boot 3: Upgrading Javax to Jakarta wasn't hard. Upgrading Spring Security on the other what a pain. #java #jvm #SpringBoot3 #spring
#spring #springboot3 #JVM #Java
Spring Boot Security mit OAuth2 Tutorial
#springboot #springboot3 #springsecurity #softwareengineering #workshop
#springboot #springboot3 #springsecurity #softwareengineering #workshop
Ich schreibe gerade einen Artikel über #SpringBoot3 und #Spring6 für unseren internen Tech Radar und @rotnroll666 hat dankenswerterweise meine Arbeit erledigt.
About Modules im #SpringBoot3 Apllications
#Java #enterprise #cloudcomputing
#springboot3 #java #enterprise #cloudcomputing