On September 7, 2012, Spring Breakers premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival. Here’s some art!
#SpringBreakers #HarmonyKorine #StonerComedy #CrimeFilm #BuddyComedy #AvantGardeFilm #NeoNoir #Satire #BlackComedy #MovieArt #Art #JamesFranco #MovieHistory
#springbreakers #harmonykorine #stonercomedy #crimefilm #buddycomedy #avantgardefilm #neonoir #Satire #blackcomedy #movieart #art #jamesfranco #moviehistory
#Bales2023FilmChallenge - June 6 - Movie takes place at a university
Four broke college girls rob a chicken franchise to get the funding to participate on the American Bacchanalia of Spring Break. Gotta go with Harmony Korine's arthouse / exploitation love and/or hate letter to the YOLO Generation, Spring Breakers (2012)
Drew some new Ashley Bensen, Vanessa Hudgens, Rachel Korine, and Selena Gomez art for today's prompt!
#SpringBreakers #FilmMastodon #CineMastodon #HarmonyKorine #Art
#bales2023filmchallenge #springbreakers #FilmMastodon #cinemastodon #harmonykorine #art
i think about the scene in #springbreakers where james defrancos character is signing the britney spears song a lot.
I ja acabem la trilogia d'especials del nostre 2n aniversari! A l'últim capítol ens tocava pasar-ho malament, tornant a veure pel·lícules que cadascú de nosaltres odia moltíssim:
Per què les odiem? Algú de nosaltres discrepa de la selecció d'altra persona? Les tornaríem a vore?
Totes eixes preguntes i més informació que tal volta no interesse, al programa!
I vosaltres? Quina pel·lícula/sèrie odieu a mort? I per què?
#springbreakers #callmebyyourname #armyofthedead
On April 11, 2013, Spring Breakers debuted in the Netherlands. Here’s some James Franco art!
#SpringBreakers #HarmonyKorine #StonerComedy #CrimeFilm #BuddyComedy #AvantGardeFilm #NeoNoir #Satire #BlackComedy #MovieArt #Art #JamesFranco #MovieHistory
#springbreakers #harmonykorine #stonercomedy #crimefilm #buddycomedy #avantgardefilm #neonoir #Satire #blackcomedy #movieart #art #jamesfranco #moviehistory
Spring Breakers just turned 10 years old, and it's such a weird film.
It's a mediocre coming of age film, and it's deliberately weird. But there's this thing that messes me up. The story features two friends-turned-rivals. One is a fictional character, played by Gucci Mane (the rapper). The other is Riff Raff (the rapper), played by an actor. How does that happen?
It's a Hollywood film that doubles as Riff Raff fanfiction. #springbreakers